This week, highlights include a Buster Keaton film, a garden show, and the simulcast of a total eclipse of the sun from Turkey. Details after the break-- and remember, you can submit event suggestions here. Please. Don't let "Events of the Week" disappear in the sticky morass of Tringo/sexball party/free L$ camp-offs already choking up the listings.
Monday, 3/27
8:30pm-10:00pm SLT: "The General" at Pixel Cinema. Attend a group screening of the 1927 classic starring the stone-faced Jackie Chan of silent film, Buster Keaton. Hosted by Ebenezer Pixel.
Wednesday, 3/29
2:00am-3:30am SLT: Exploratorium Eclipse Simulcast. Get up early/stay up late to witness the a total eclipse happening in Side, Turkey, simulcast in two SL locations created for the event in conjunction with the San Francisco exploratorium. Hosted by indestructible Aimee Weber.
Sunday, 4/2
5:00pm-8:00pm SLT: 1st Annual Second Life Garden Show Prize Giving. Stroll the landscape to see some of the best in SL nature settings, stay for the awards ceremony for the best nature creator in Second Life. Hosted by Laukosargas Svarog.
7:30pm-9:00pm SLT: Second Style Magazine Release Party. Bring black tie and ballroom gowns to this jazz-inflected celebration of a new SL fashion site. Hosted by Athel Richelieu.
"Indestructible Aimee Weber!"
You know I'm quite delicate Mister Au! :D
Posted by: Aimee Weber | Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 07:35 AM