Handsome young super-genius Torrone Trumbo (who could become the next Q or James Bond's worst enemy, it's still up in the air whether he continues using his powers for good) has unleashed his latest plan for metaverse world domination:
His reasoning is elegant and hard to refute:
As the time of this writing, there are 166,922 residents, spending over 135,984.00 in 24 hours and $6.5 million USD in transactions took place is about 20 days. In 2006, there's a good chance $100 million USD dollars worth of transactions will flow through the virtual world of Second Life. Linden recently rolled out their own exchange, Lindex, meaning - they're almost a bank now. It's not a matter of if, just when-- credit card companies, Pay Pal, Amazon, eBay and the individual "gaming" companies eventually bridge the real and virtual currencies with loyalty programs and private label credit cards-- there's too much money out there to -not- to do this.
Being the blogger for Make, he's going the next step and planning to create the thing himself. More details here.