Direct portal to Serenity Falls here.
In an ongoing challenge to find the seven wonders of Second Life, so many
Residents nominated this island that I finally paid a visit tonight. It's a lush and
craggy place with a vast waterfall, ambient sounds of nature, and more than a few surprises for the explorer.
"Before I came to SL I had absolutely NO 3D building experience," Serenity Falls creator Julia Hathor tells me. "I learned by frustration, mistakes, and struggle in the sandboxes." After becoming successful enough to afford an island, she set to work. "It took about three weeks to build, but it is really never done." It's a showcase for the homes and landscape items she sells, but at same time, it's a place open to the public for pure enjoyment. "I wanted Serenity to be a retreat," she says, "a place where nature could be brought to SL and soothe the soul, so gardens and water features play a prominent role all over the island."