Direct portal to Stylehive here.
After enough nudging from various individuals on the bleeding edge of all that's cool and fashionable and now, I paid a visit to the inagural party for Stylehive, the latest intersection between the virtual and real.
The party itself was a fashion contest featuring various top designers showing off their wares, but it was really a showcase for the Stylehive operation. Every piece of furniture in the Hive (created by NWN contributor Aimee Weber, natch) was selected through folksonomic vote by Stylehive members, modeled exactly after its real world analogue. Clicking on every item of furniture launches the web browser and takes you to the Stylehive page featuring it-- which, in turn, gives you the option of buying the actual furniture piece through an e-commerce site. It's a pretty cool application of immersive retail, even if you're just window shopping. More pics from last night's fashion show after the break.