My deepest thanks to all 211 of you who took Federated Media's reader poll. FM's just published the compiled results here, a handy demographic overview of this blog, especially for folks thinking about advertising on it. For a more vivid picture, I've created an archetypal reader-- a NWN Reader Avatar, as it were-- based on the results. His story after the break.
Mr. Bob Midnight (and he is a gentlemen, like 71% of NWN's readers) is an American (68%) in his 30s (37%) working on staff (40%) at a high tech company (35%). No kids at home (71%), which is good, because he spends over 40 hours a week on the Internet (33%), going on business trips 2-4 times a year (21%), and spending his considerable income (61% over $50,000) on electronic gadgets and technology (55% over $1000 worth a year). Friends ask him for advice on the latest in high tech trends (78%) and when they're buying electronic consumer products of their own (59%).
He visits New World Notes a few times a week (27%), having bookmarked it on his browser (65%) and occasionally checking it via an RSS reader (38%). (Unsurprising, because Bob's part of Web publishing and the blogosphere himself (56%).) It's way more likely he's doing something online like reading blogs or hanging out in Second Life than he is reading a magazine or watching TV (67%).
And it's amazing and a little eerie how Bob Midnight is so much like me and most of my friends. So I want to assure Sally Protagonist (22% female), a parent (25%) in her mid-late 20s (19%) who's a freelance telecommuter (16%) and a business owner (9%) in Public Relations (7%) that she's just as cherished. As it happens, in Second Life, I probably interact just as much with people like Sally as Bob, if not moreso. I'll continue to try writing a blog that serves them both, and all the avatars in between. (And beyond.)
I am SO going to claw Sally Protagonist's eyes out when I see her! STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!! >:O
Posted by: Aimee Weber | Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 07:47 AM
Ah yes, th` indomitable Aimee Weber! Ah c`n hardly wait t` meet y`all!
Posted by: Lloren Wannabe | Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 04:19 PM