Recently, Torley went looking for foliage in-world that grew and developed over time, because by default, the trees and shrubs of SL are pre-fabricated and unchanging, like so many chickenwire and canvas sculptures that set decorators use for live productions of Midsummer Night Dream. Someone had already created a whole school of clown fish, after all, even programmed them to have genes and pass those on to their offspring. Surely a Resident had scripted artificial flora that responded to sunlight and water, and grew?
Unsurprisingly, Torley finally found what she was looking for.
Also unsurprisingly, the first credible genus of artificial plant life to appear in SL is cannabis-- leafy, green, the weed with roots in hell (but legal for medicinal use in the state of California).
It's yet another demonstration of Gibson's adage, "The street finds its own uses for things", but as I learned, the project's a bit more ambitious than a mere stoner gimmick. Torley's account is here; unable to resist, I had to check out the cannabis of Dave and Robbie Dingo for myself, and get their secret for making it grow, and grow so huge.
After the break, their story, and time-lapse screenshots of the growth process-- which starts, as it turns out, with a seed and a dude praying for rain.