Now that this blog is with Federated Media I need a logo worthy of the network, and I'm offering L$ and a permanent promotional spot on NWN to the Resident who creates me the coolest one. To make it more fun, I'm going to display the entries I receive and put them up for reader vote. Details after the break.
(Promotion: First ten submissions received by deadline will be featured in a NWN post, with a link to the Resident's site or SLURL to their land in Second Life.
Deadline for mockups/thumbnails: End of April 13th (Pacific Standard Time.)
Technical Guidelines: Logo should be approximate size of current logo (375 x 75 pixels) and include the text "New World Notes". (Also, see Update below.)
Aesthetic Guidelines: Logo should include a symbol or image that reflects the themes of the blog. Should be simple and legible enough to potentially work on T-shirts and other tchotchkes.
Submitting: E-mail up to three .jpeg or .gif thumbnail mock-ups to [email protected]. Submissions as textures to Hamlet Au's inventory also accepted, but not recommended (textures tend to appear distorted when exported.) Optional: include a description of the logo and what it's meant to convey, and an URL to your website or SLURL to your store in SL, with short descriptive text such as, "Bob Midnight designs pre-fab homes in Georgiana <SLURL link>".
Selection: First ten submissions will be put up for user vote. Hamlet Au retains right to veto selection, and choose up to three finalists for run-off vote.
Award: L$12500 and permanent promotional placement on the site (i.e., web ad and/or SLURL).
IMPORTANT Update, April 6, 11:20AM: I forgot a crucial guideline: the NWN logo should not include Linden Lab's own trademarked eye-in-hand logo or other trademarked asset.
Posted by: Chance Abattoir | Saturday, April 08, 2006 at 02:29 AM