Kinda-sorta following up on a New Year's resolution to bring podcasting to New World Notes, I just did an interview with All Games Interactive, a Web-based radio show, and it's available for your favorite MP3 player here, episode 041. (Or just play it directly from the Web by hitting here.) The hosts, Scot and Lawrence, are smart gamers with smart gamer questions, and it was a fun 45 minute conversation-- starts about 1/3rd of the way into the show, sort of an audio variation of "The Gamer's Rough Guide to Pwning Second Life", except with more references to drugs and deranged robot prostitutes who won't take No for an answer.
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I'm a member over at allgames, it was a great interview. I signed up for a Second Life account yesterday.
Posted by: digitalfirefly | Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at 11:34 AM
Thanks, glad you liked it.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 12:43 AM
Fun interview... it's a good thing that you didn't start talking about Madden Football, or else Scot would have never let you go (LOL).
Posted by: Alexis Fairchild | Thursday, April 20, 2006 at 05:21 PM