CC general counsel Mia Wombat (right), unidentified Scottish furry with great gams.
Unidentified alien and Joi Ito (right, in khakis.)
Update, 4/24: The transcript is now online here.
Last night's talk by Mia Wombat of Creative Commons was fascinating and well-attended (70+), and I'll be running a lightly edited transcript next week.
It's nice and everything that there's an official office and folks like Mia, Larry Lessig, or Cory Doctorow swing by on occasion. But the best thing about having Creative Commons in SL? When their head lawyer shows up to give a talk, it's attended by a sexy furry in a Scottish kilt and a dome-headed alien who gets warily eyed by Joi Ito.
The conversation comes here on Monday. Meantime, Zenigma Suntzu has more screenshots on his Flickr stream.