With Round One and Two in the can, the runoff election for the New World Notes logo begins-- voting ends next Thursday. I like all the logos here, and would be proud to have any of them represent this blog. But the final decision rests with you. Have on last look at them all, then click through to vote on the one you think fits NWN best.
Logo by JW Russell: "The thought behind my design is that the scetched world, representing the 'o' of World and in the 'middle' of the design, represents the virtual world Second Life, virtual but very recognizable as world. The Raised NWN is to address the connection to its URL." JW Russell is head designer for Down Undies in Plush Beta.
Vote for JW Russell's logo by going here.
Logo by Matthias Zander. Visit Matthias' Alluring Elegance fashion boutique here.
Vote for Matthias' logo by going here.
Logo by Methtastic Pixel: "I believe a clean, simple and effective logo will do your website well, blogs are meant to be simple, just as newspapers are. The globe looking symbol I have inserted gives a sense of an empire, importance... The symbol simply looks trustworthy."
Vote for Methtastic's logo by going here.
Logo by Tao Takashi: "The logo is meant to show the new world in terms of a world being built. Thus you have the right side of it as a raw wireframe (you might also say as a yet unloaded texture.)" Visit Tao Takashi's Architecture and Clothes in Jeon by going here and his SL blog by going here.
Vote for Tao's logo by going here.
I voted for Tao's logo because it's the only one the signifies a new world being constructed in front of your eyes, which seems to reach the heart of what you are reporting on.
Posted by: rikomatic | Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 07:09 AM
Again, my vote goes to Methtastic's logo. I still can't vote in the forums, so if comes down to a tie remember to check the comments!
Posted by: Aesop Thatch | Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 07:27 AM
I shall! And when do I get my write-up on the teen grid, dude? :)
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 03:15 PM
Thank you, rikomatic :-)
Posted by: Tao Takashi | Friday, May 19, 2006 at 05:32 AM