Second Life was born in a time of war. The public Beta was opened in April 2003 while battles large and small were flaring across Iraq; the first post of New World Notes was published on April 22nd, a week before the official end of major combat operations. I've tried to make this fundamental reality a recurring theme of NWN, telling the stories of the Residents who've most keenly felt war's impact. This would include Jason Foo, a Marine who returned from Iraq and Afghanistan to use SL as a way to help rebuild his post-war life; it would also include Dane Street, another Marine who spent much of his first tour's R&R away from Falluja gun battles in-world with his sister Mistress Midnight. (Dane, last I heard, was back in Iraq, though in less dangerous circumstances.) This Memorial Day post is a small tribute is to them, and for all the other servicemen and women who depend on Second Life as their peaceful respite. It's also a tribute to those Residents who found their own ways to remember the war's fallen.
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Great post Hamlet.
And *HUGS* to Dane.
Posted by: Aimee Weber | Monday, May 29, 2006 at 04:30 PM