The moment I logged into the latest version of Second Life today, Relee Baysklef the scripting squirrel put a flying cape in my hands. The client upgrade that went live today is ver. 1.10, a number that's surprising, and to many Residents, vexing, since it's an incremental step backward from the previous version, 1.9. Most of them expected that this version would be 1.91 or another number that got them ever closer to 2.0-- when, presumably, long-promised additions to the client would finally kick in. (Say, Havok 2 physics, or the ability to stream web pages into the world.) By rolling the version number back, it seemed to many that Linden Lab was hedging their bets on when those changes would arrive. It's a little like if in Lost when they'd finally let the bunker's mysterious ticker count down from 108 minutes to zero, instead of the island exploding or the hand of God appearing or whatever, the counter just reset-- to 208.
In any event, 1.10 does come with the ability to make linked objects flexible, translating in this case to superheroes able to fly more, well, superheroically. A very cool addition that should lead to some amazing new Resident content.
On the other side of the ledger, judging by the release notes, 1.10 has but a single improvement to the user interface, and unless you're a builder, a fairly obscure one. This is odd, because in my experience, both in-world and talking about Second Life at conventions and such, the most frequent complaint I hear is over the interface. Indeed, Torley recently posted a full list of questions that get sent to the Live Help line, and among the top twenty problems, a full half involve the user interface, either directly, or indirectly as an issue that'd be greatly ameliorated by an improved UI. Things to be fixed in future versions, one hopes-- in 1.11, maybe. Meantime, Residents frustrated with the UI will at least be able to alert Live Help with a majestic cape fluttering behind them.
Update, 2:29AM: In Comments, Torley points out some other fixes to the UI that weren't mentioned in the release notes. Also, I e-mailed Philip Linden seeking his response to these points, and will post his reply in NWN.