The mini-burst of SL machinima on You Tube has taken a new (but when you think about it, unsurprising) twist: machinima commercials for SL products. Nylon Pinkney recently created a series of three ads promoting her heads-up display/camera products, and they work well as both machinima and advertising. (My favorite above, a spot for Nylon's video camera attachment/"recording" HUD, is a cute tweak on The Blair Witch Project, set to a kickass Phantom Planet song.)
"It definitly gave the cameras some exposure," Nylon Pinkney told me over the weekend. "Hardly anyone was buying the 35mm one, and then after I put the movies out, those are selling the best now-- I sold like ten today." Of course, this success probably had a lot to do with the movies being good enough for people to actually watch. "I was ready to drop the whole thing by the third movie," she says. "I didn't realize how much work it actually took."
Nylon is so creative! I hope she continues making machinima. (and submits it to the Take5 Machinima Festival) She serves as inspiration to anyone interested in the fine art of movie-making in-world.
Posted by: moo Money | Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 11:08 PM