SL screenshot mixed with Untitled photo by Joseph Gergel
Metaverse meets mash-up: come June 15, there's going to be another Free Culture/Creative Commons event in Second Life, this one springboarding off the recent CC Art Show 2006 at NYU and the Sharing is Daring event at Harvard. The object here is to take the art featured at those sites, and then remix it for an in-world showing on the 15th. You can do the remixing with Photoshop and other standard tools, of course, but for this event, the ideal medium is SL itself. Which is what I did with an Untitled photo by Joseph Gergel, uploading it as a texture, displaying it in-world, and using it as a backdrop for a dramatic screenshot, above.
No doubt Residents can come up with way better remixes, taking the appropriately-licensed art from here and here*, then converting them into screenshots, 3D sculptures, interactive sites, whatever. I'm looking forward to reporting on what comes out of this.
Deadline for submission is end of June 13. E-mail a screenshot of your entry to Jennifer Yip of Creative Commons (Genevieve Junot in SL), and be sure to include your RL and/or SL name for proper credit. Prizes will be virtual CC t-shirts and other tchotchkes, real and virtual. In any case, do come to the event to share your work, and hopefully meet some the original artists who may also be in attendance. (Full disclosure: I'm now honored to be a part-time consultant for CC's events and activites in SL.)
* Important update, 6/6: Several of the images at the NYU Free Culture site are licensed as non-derivative, and therefore should not be remixed. A listing of images that may and may not be remixed after the break. If you're in doubt, double-check the "Attribution License" at the bottom right corner of each copy in the Flickr stream.
MAY use to create derivatives:
Any and all of the images in this Flickr set:
May NOT use to create derivatives:
The work of Victor King: "Westover. MD" is licensed under the attribution no-derivatives 2.0 license. IANAL but isn't the remix a derivative? How does this mesh with the spirit of the call/show?
Posted by: rubaiyat | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 10:19 AM
Rubaiyat, you are exactly correct. Work that is licensed under the "No-Derivatives" license cannot be remixed. Victor's piece seems to have been mislabeled on the NYU website. The caption indicates that it uses the Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. But when you click on the photo and then the CC logo, the deed shows the Attribution No-derivatives 2.0 license. Honest mistake, which will be updated. We are working on posting a list of remixable pieces to minimize this type of confusion. Thanks for noticing!
Posted by: genevieve junot | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 01:34 PM
But the attribution shows its as allowing derivatives. It's licensed as "non-commercial" with attribution
Posted by: rikomatic | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 01:36 PM
Oh I see, its got a different attribution on Flickr.
Posted by: rikomatic | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 01:38 PM
Yes, thanks to Rubaiyat for catching this. I'm, now, uh, remixing this post.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 01:41 PM
Remix complete! "Westover. MD" replaced with the mash-up of an appropriately licensed work. My personal apologies to Victor King for the remix mixup.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 02:22 PM
I figured that it was just an honest mistake. I am very happy that you corrected it so quickly.
Posted by: rubaiyat | Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 06:54 PM
So, after all this...It seems that Victor King DID intend to allow derivatives to be made from his Westover MD photo. The flickr license option has been updated to reflect this correction.
Posted by: genevieve junot | Wednesday, June 14, 2006 at 12:28 PM