Waiting backstage with Governor Warner
After the break, a lightly edited transcript of Governor Mark Warner's appearance in Second Life-- hopefully the first in many to come.
Approaching the stage with Governor Warner
Taking the stage with a flying landing
[Millions of Us CEO] Reuben Tapioca: Hello everyone and welcome to the New Globe Theatre. Today is a very exciting day for us all. As you all get seated I’d like to introduce a very special guest.
Reuben Tapioca introduces the Governor
Our guest is the former governor of the state of Virginia and the founder of the Forward Together PAC, a Democratic group. Oh, yeah, he’s also the founder of Nextel. When they contacted us a few weeks ago, we were blown away that they were interested in Second Life. So, with no further delay, I’d like to introduce, Mark Warner! And the equally fantastic, Hamlet Au! Please give them a warm Second Life welcome, and enjoy.
[Audience applause]
Screenshot of Mark Warner by Cyrus Huffines
Mark Warner: Thanks for having me here today! It's pretty wild!
To many in the "democratic wing of the Democratic party", to use Howard Dean's term, his support for parental notification for teens seeking abortion and his courting of the NRA as governor are grounds for deep concern.
To analysts who churn the raw demographic numbers and note that the only two Democrats to hold Presidential office in the last 35 years have been, like him, centrists from the South, he's not someone to be taken lightly.
Are we looking at the next President of the United States of America, in avatar form?
Governor Warner, everyone!
[More applause]
MW: Thanks Hamlet. Fire away with the questions.
HA: How are you today?
MW: Well this is my first virtual appearance, I'm feeling a little disembodied!
HA: Tell us about your background as a high-tech entrepreneur, sir, and how it relates to your efforts now, with Forward Together, and your coming to Second Life.
HA: Turning to political issues, we're days away from the 5th anniversary of 9/11, and you have a major homeland security speech planned soon. What will you say then, and do you think it's a message that can galvanize Democrats and Americans at large to fight violent jihadism, as the title of a recent book you discussed suggests, "With all our might"?
MW: Next week, I hope to lay out some immediate steps we can take to better protect our homeland and ensure that the resources we spent get real results…
MW: … But I also think the fifth anniversary of 9-11 serves
as an opportunity to challenge Americans to remember that sense of civic
engagement we all felt in the aftermath of that tragic day. As I've said elsewhere, the fact that the
President didn't call upon that spirit to take on some of the major issues,
from our energy crisis to restoring
MW: The real question is, is our ongoing presence in
HA: In Matt Bai's New York Times profile of you, there's a
striking anecdote. You were at a party of Bay Area Democrats, and one of them
lectures you about changing your opinions on abortion rights. Until finally you say, exasperated, "This
is why
HA: Save audience questions for next event, please!
HA: But many in the Democratic party want no compromises from Roe v. Wade, yes? How do you speak to them?
HA: Please take it if you like, sir.
MW: We formed the Second Life group, and I'll be back later this fall to do a virtual town hall meeting, and folks like Taking Nap and Whirling Eddy can get their questions answered then
MW: You've gotta cut me some slack, this is the first time I've flown onto a stage!
Real life Governor Warner speaking through his Mark Warner avatar (courtesy Nancy Mandelbrot of Forward Together)
MW: I've got a video crew waiting to film some website spots -- how 20th century. Old school...
Got to run, thank you all for appearing in all of your various forms!
[Governor Mark Warner disappears in a cloud of pixels]
Reuben Tapioca: Everyone, thanks so much for coming. Stay tuned for more. And again, thanks for coming.
Hamlet Au: Thank you all. There's a group called Forward Together that everyone's welcome to join for more info.
Event sponsored by Forward Together, produced and hosted by Millions of Us.
More screenshots from the event:
From the pre-show warm-up with the Governor
Governor Warner's diverse audience
Senator Ted Stevens' version of the Internet attends Governor Warner's event
Update, 3:38PM: Added a photo of real life Governor Warner chatting through Second Life Mark Warner. (Courtesy of Forward Together's Nancy Mandelbrot.)
Update, 9/4: Post-Event wrap-up with media links here.
Did we have to see a picture of the female avie with her virtual cleavage busting out?
Posted by: NM | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 12:56 PM
bravo, i like it!
Posted by: john malcom | Thursday, June 21, 2012 at 03:07 PM