I'm perhaps the last SL blogger to pump this charge, but if we can at least get a scruffy pair of indy filmmakers to acknowledge Second Life as a country, might as well keep the blogswarm going. Here's the deal: Four Eyed Monsters is a cool-looking quasi-documentary from a hipster couple who've turned their relationship into a feature film. In true Web 2.0 fashion, they're planning a tour of the movie across the US and the globe, but to get them to come to your town (or country), you need to put in a request. (Over 150 requests, and they put your place on the tour.) True to form, the Electric Sheep's SNOOPYBrown Zamboni engaged the filmmakers and got them to add Second Life as a country on the request page. So there we are, in between the US and Afghanistan-- which is, when you think about it, probably the best place for Second Life to be. With enough requests, the filmmakers will bring their tour to SL. (Here's Mr. Brown's original write-up on the campaign. And props to Akela Talamasca of SL Insider for the screen grab.)
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Thanks for the love on this, Hamlet! Second Life is rising up the request charts but still needs more. If you're reading this and on the edge, do it, do it, it takes 10 seconds, request it here! I've also created an inworld group called "Four Eyed Monsters" (member title "Four Eyed Avatar") if anyone wants to join, stay updated on progress, and give input on how we'll do the screening (providing enough people request one!).
Note: because it's not a terrestrial location we've been told that the best way to request the film is to enter "2nd Life" (no quotes) in the zip code box and choose "2nd Life" from the dropdown country menu. I think some of the SL requests are taking longer to show up on the tracker because people have used slightly different language and the very small FEM team is trying to keep up with and categorize everything properly. Right now we have 81 confirmed requests, putting SL between Phoenix (80) and Orlando (89). Let's see if we can beat top-ranking LA at 420 :). (The requests take a day or so to show up on the map so don't worry if you don't see yours right away.)
BTW, here's FEM co-creator Arin Crumley's original comment on my blog. I met up with him and Susan in person and they're both really cool and excited about this:
"So yes, if that number gets to 150, we’ll honor the promise to book the screening, and hopefully we can pack the virtual house for the screening and show up for a virtual q&a and [throw a] swanky virtual party afterwards, maybe even book a few thursdays in a row if attendance is good."
Posted by: Jerry Paffendorf/SNOOPYbrown Zamboni | Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 09:12 AM
BTW here's a direct link to the Four Eyed Monsters trailer.
Posted by: Jerry Paffendorf/SNOOPYbrown Zamboni | Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 09:33 AM