Meeting Khannea at her office
When Ray Kurzweil began writing about an imminent post-human future when nanotechology and supercomputers would enable us to transcend flesh and mortality, I doubt he ever imagined how his thought would redound on someone who spent most of her time roleplaying a bisexual prostitute in an online world. But there it is.
Khannea Suntzu contacted me a few months ago. Her SL sex work as Khannea, a high-priced and highly-desired call girl, has been the subject of several outside media profiles of SL Residents, including one in the 1 Up gamer portal and another, of all places, in the esteemed Le Monde, so I assumed she had something like that in mind for me. That turned out to be wrong.
"[L]et me get this straight," Khannea told me, "I am not interested in an interview. I have
done that by now, and I have said all there is to say, or what I would
want to say.
"What I do want is not as simple."
And she told me what that was. And since she happened to be appearing onstage soon after she did, I met her at the club where she danced, and took some screenshots of her, while Rick James' "Superfreak" streamed across the stage.