In her real world incarnation, was lifting a heavy box of books about Abraham Lincoln (she works at a bookstore chain), when she felt a sharp pain in her side. At the time, she tells me, "I just thought I had pulled some muscles." Subsequent X-rays turned up something far worse: inflamed kidney stones. And, she says, "I went from nicely oblivious to worried sick pretty quickly." Her medical bills began to skyrocket, as well-- to wit, she'll eventually owe L$1,250,000 in testing and procedure fees, even after her insurance kicks in. (And her real life budget is so tight, it's already an effort to pay her monthly pharmacy.)
But her small circle of Resident friends have rallied to her side, and tomorrow at 6pm Second Life time, they're launching a fundraising party to her pay her bills. More details on attending after the break.
Read Tateru Nino's blog for more details and SLURL to the Saturday event
In Second Life, hyasynth is an esteemed fashion designer, owner and creator of the ~silentsparrow~ brand. Among her clients is her friend Tateru Nino-- Ms. Tiramisu's crushed velvet dress has become an integral part of Tateru's identity-- and it was Tateru who helped lead the charge.
Tateru in ~silentsparrow~ wear
"It was Mercurious Monde who proposed the first fundraiser," Hyasynth tells me. "She's one of my dearest friends and I was very upset, so she came up with a solution I would never even fathom to do. Tateru was the first person to donate to the fund, though, bless her heart. She's a longtime good friend of mine."
Besides tomorrow's party, Simone Stern is also holding a fundraising event this week, Mercurious another event on 14th. "India Ingersoll and Chrystin Hathor have been very supportive and active with passing out info to people," Hyasynth adds.
I ask her if she felt uncomfortable discussing her real life medical issues with people in-world.
"I don't create a line between Second Life and real life that way," she answers. "If I am ill in real life, then my Second Life friends will know about it. The same as if I had a wonderful day." She smiles. "There is no difference."
Which must come as some relief, as she waits to take those tests, and worries about where those will lead. "At this point [I'm] scared," she tells me. "As with all medical anything, they seem to enjoy keeping me in the dark until they spring information on me. I spent most of this week with the words 'renal failure' running around in my head."
At first she was embarrassed by all the efforts being made on her behalf, "but how could I remain so? With so many strangers helping me. And my friends pulling together also...
"I feel blessed and honored," Hyasynth Tiramisu tells me. "I've never seen or been on the recieving end of so much compassion and love. It really affirms my belief that people are kind and good by nature, despite media portrayal."
Read Tateru Nino's blog for more details and SLURL to the Saturday event