What would Wood make, if he could make machinima? Yes kids, it's that time of the year again, when the spirit of Ed Wood haunts a 48 hour machinima-making marathon. Buhbuhcuh Fairchild and Moo Money of Alt-Zoom are back with their Halloween contest to create machinima worthy (if that's the right word) of the auteur behind Glen or Glenda? and Plan Nine from Outer Space.
It works thus: this Friday at the stroke of Midnight, go to this Alt-Zoom page, because that's when the title/theme of this year's festival will be announced. From that point, you'll have exactly two days to create machinima that'll vie in many categories of ass, including Worst Film, Worst Story, Worst Acting, Worst Costumes, and Most Disturbing Film. L$60,000 in prize money hangs in the balance of badness.
Surely you can make worse machinima than one about a pre-op transexual in an angora sweater who flees a horde of
zombie babes in g-strings only to crash into a pair of midget rhinos dancing around a bonfire to The Smiths. (No seriously, that's last year's winner.) I can't wait to see the results, though the results may also make me throw up a little bit in my mouth.