Update, 12/13: The illustrated transcript of Judge Posner's 12/7 appearance in Second Life is now online at this link.
So in about 7 hours-- barring any unforseen technical glitches or acts of the Linden god-- the man who Lawrence Lessig calls "the most influential lawyer of his time" will appear here in avatar form, at the moat-surrounded colisieum in Kula, to speak on and sign the SL edition of his latest book, Not a Suicide Pact: The Constitution in a Time of National Emergency. Interest in meeting Judge Richard A. Posner's avatar has been fervent, but I believe a few seats are still available; send an Instant Message to Creative Commons' Genevieve Junot, to check. In any case, I'll be running a lightly edited transcript of the event in this space next Monday.
Event sponsored by Creative Commons. Much thanks to CC's Lawrence Lessig and the University of Chicago's Sam Sellers for helping arrange the appearance, and to Joi Ito, who generously provided his island of Kula for CC events.
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