Update, 12/13: The illustrated transcript of Judge Posner's 12/7 appearance in Second Life is now online at this link.
The conversation ranged from coercive interrogation of terror suspects to intellectual property in online worlds; the audience included several aliens, mutants, babes in 6 inch stilleto heels, and Judge Richard Posner's favorite audience member of all, a human-sized raccoon. And despite a couple griefer attacks with fireballs and a giant flying block of wood, the Judge pressed on unfazed with agile wit, as if he always gave lectures in the metaverse.
Next Monday, I'll post the transcript of what must be Judge Posner's strangest public conversation on law in the 21st century. I also hope it's about as enlightening, too. Meantime, here's his avatar in an after-talk photo op with what must be the strangest member of the ACLU.
It was a good lecture! I posted a few images from the event on Flickr. An audience shot is under CC: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robot/316901143/in/set-72157594410522889
Posted by: Rob | Friday, December 08, 2006 at 08:00 AM
Please, find more pics of the event here:
Judge Richard A. Posner in Second Life
Posted by: alessandro piana | Saturday, December 09, 2006 at 03:39 AM