If there's an SL-based topic you want to talk about, or a project/event you want to promote, post the details here. Come Monday, I'll mention noteworthy Comments and discussions in a front page update. The above screenshot, by the way, is from "The Nine Souls of Wilde Cunningham", which is, exactly two years later, still one of my very favorite SL stories, especially or the Holidays.
Update, 12/18: Interfect Sonic wonders, "[W]here's the big 2 million party?" Moriash Moreau offers a sardonic theory for its absence. In an earlier Forum, invaluable conversation on the best laptop for Second Life continues.
We have 2 million accounts now.
But where's the big 2 million party? I guess it's too close to the 1 million mark.
Posted by: Interfect Sonic | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 09:15 PM
I'm guessing there won't be a commemorative sun/moon replacement. As much as people kvetched about the 1 million marker ("Waaaah! It's ruining my romantic view for my virtual skybox sessions! How do you expect me to use the Prostratomatic Reamatron on my virtual loved one without a romantic moon in the background?! And why are you spending 37 seconds modifying the sun graphics when you could be fixing my pet bugs, anyway?!"), I doubt they're ever going to bother again. They already skipped Halloween, and I wouldn't expect anything for Christmas, either. It's a real shame when a few vocal malcontents can ruin a fun and harmless little bonus like that.
Posted by: Moriash Moreau | Monday, December 18, 2006 at 08:28 AM
a few vocal malcontents who ruin a fun and harmless little bonus like that
Posted by: slamhound | Monday, December 18, 2006 at 11:41 AM
Upon sober reflection (that is, after my morning caffeine fix has had a chance to kick in), it occurs to me that the grid-wide winter festival is probably doing double duty here, too. Nothing says "celebration" like beaning your favorite Linden with a finely crafted ball of snow.
Posted by: Moriash Moreau | Monday, December 18, 2006 at 12:18 PM