Rik Riel's weekly round-up of upcoming SL events...
On Friday January 5, the performance art group Second Front will be presenting their first public performance at Ars Virtua at 7 PM in Dowden (42,59). According to Second Front member Wirxli Flimflam, The eight-member Second Front troupe mirrors the real world Vancouver-based arts collective called the Western Front. I will be there for their debut in a black catsuit smoking French cigarettes.
A whole slew of events coming up in the first week of 2007 including: newbie show and tell, a shoe-making class, environmentalism in the digital age, a grid-spanning quest for L$2,500, "ElectrAcoustic Fusion," speed dating and AIDS awareness. All that and so much more after the jump...
(All times in SLT, "Second Life Time"-- i.e., Pacific Standard)
Wednesday January 3
1PM - New Player Show & Tell
SL newbies are invited to head for New Citizens Plaza in Kuula(54,175) to show off your creations and compete to win Lindens. Second Life new residents (90 days and younger) can present any objects, clothes, scripts or anything they have created. The audience and contestants vote on the winner.
3-6PM - Women's Shoe Creation Class
Can't find that perfect strappy heel? Why not make your own? Technical User Interfaces (TUi) presents a class on women's shoe creation. Class fee is L$250 with a prerequisite of five level 3 classes or equivalent.
At Beyond the Prim (34,225).
5-7PM - Ice Skating Party in Soho
Bring your ice skates over to the Garden at Soho (128,128) for a skating party.
* * *
Thursday January 4
8AM - "It Ain't Easy Being Green" Discussion on Environmentalism
Worried about the environmental impact of all your new electronic toys you received over the holidays? Head over to Sinsation (16,40) for a discussion on environmentalism in the Digital Age.
6:30PM - Press Preview of Eric Luden Art Show
Ishtvan Pippen is hosting a press-only preview of Eric Luden's cartoon-inspired artwork at the Keenag gallery at Owlet (249,54).The public reception will take place on January 7 between 6-8PM.
Email [email protected] or IM Ishtvan Pippen for more info.
7PM - Live Performance by Kori Travanti
"ElectrAcoustic Fusion" musician Kori Travanti will be playing live at Life Heart Beat Gallery at Creamy Dreamz(194,231).
7PM - D. Harlan Wilson Reading
D. Harlan Wilson (aka Doctor Yap in SL) will read from his new book Dr. Identity and answer questions afterward. Wilson is a fiction writer, literary critic and assistant professor of
English at Wright State University-Lake Campus. At Han Loso (103,60).
* * *
Friday January 5
3-6AM - "Sea and Sky: A Sailor's Story" Photo Exhibit
"Sea & Sky" is an exhibit of photographs taken at sea between 2002
and 2006. At Soyeonpyeongdo (69,142).
6PM - Charles Coleman in Concert
Charles Coleman performs alternative folk and reggae style music on
vocal and acoustic guitar at the Cafe at Barcelona del Oeste (169,69).
* * *
Saturday January 6
11AM - WorldQuest Contest
WorldQuest is "a race around the sims of SL" competing to win a L$2,500 grand prize along with artwork donated by the Resident Artists of the
Artisan Galleria. Competitors will meet at the Galleria to get their first clue and race
off to different parts of SL, collecting cards and clues to each leg of
the race, until they reach their final destination. At Lota (74,115).
11AM - Music and Meditation Class
If brass-knuckled competition has you frazzled, you might want to head over to Dublin (206,122) for a music and meditation class with RL musician and psychiatrist, Kourosh Eusebio,
specializing in techniques to boost creativity and expression. You can also listen in by setting your music player to .
* * *
Sunday January 7
11AM - Speed Dating
Whether you are looking for an SL love connection or just want to meet
new people, Speed Dating is one of the quickest ways to meet lots of
avatars and see who you hit it off with. At Tortuga (188,54).
1PM - Ice Hockey Match
The Whales and the Wolves will be competing in a fierce ice hockey match. So come on by to cheer on your favorite team at Jericho Hill (227,138).
4PM - AIDS Awareness Organizing Meeting
Folks interested in discussing how to raise awareness of AIDS in SL are invited to a meeting in the
AIDS Memorial Garden at Tethea (13,210).
For information on submitting upcoming Events to Rik, go here. Visit Rik's blog, Click Heard Round the World.
Great roundups, Rik; since the Events listing inworld is such a *imaginary profanity* to look through, I check out Rik's Picks on NWN!
I've been recommending it to lovers looking for interesting things to do for Second Life dates.
I like the pictures too. That top avatar lineup is so colorful, with all the different hairstyles too!
BTW, standardization: we officially don't call it "SLT" anymore, we stick with Pacific Time. So no worries about the "SLT", altho that's clearly understood what's meant! "Check the clock when you login!"
I don't think I'm the only one who'd like to see a calendar (maybe Google Calendar?) view of this. Is there anyone else requesting it?
Posted by: Torley | Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 12:17 PM
Thanks, Torley! I do my best to pick the events that interest me and hopefully interest others as well.
Posted by: rikomatic | Monday, January 08, 2007 at 08:16 PM