I noticed acclaimed 3D artist Stella Costello in the bleachers of Kula, just a touch to the left of the svelte Ivy Darrow. Since Stella seemed decidedly more full-figured than when I saw her last, I asked her if she'd changed.
Is this a new avatar?
Nah, not really… I guess I'm a little fatter.
Well, I'm not THAT much bigger than I was before… but I've always had my avatar chunky. I like big girls, I am a big girl in real life, it seems to fit me.
Why the change?
My avatar was perfect when I started! But I also felt disconnected from Stella.
I think it was a gradual shift… I'd look at her and feel distant. Then
I'd slide the slider up and feel more honest with myself and more
connected to her.
What have other Residents said about the larger Stella?
I've only been called on it a few times, actually. Basically just, "Why would you choose to be fat?" [And I’d answer] probably just, "Because I am". I don't think it was ill-intended. I understand the curiosity.
Why do so few Residents create avatars that match their real life body type?
Think there are probably a lot of people out there who think, "Why not?! I can be whatever I imagine." Of course I can really dig that, too. I think that from the very first time you edit your appearance, you start sliding your way to society's view of perfection, and you gradually start adding your own ideas to it as you go.
Even though there are a lot of women in SL that are thinner avatars, they still have their own flair; big booties, muscular upper arms, maybe even a large nose bridge or heart-shaped lips.
What happened when she changed?
In a cheesy cheesy way, Stella taught me to love myself more, so I let her be me.
Is there another fascinating avatar out there I should know all about? E-mail me, or IM Hamlet Au, and tell me more.
I digg it. Being comfortable with yourself is fantastic.
Posted by: z3rr0 Zeluco | Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 01:25 PM
i think she looks beautiful.
Posted by: patou dumont | Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 03:33 PM
I have an odd opposite situation -- I'm very diminutive in RL, and my SL avatar is proportionately smaller than everyone else's.
Posted by: Pablo Andalso | Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 04:24 PM
It does look like a very comfortable avatar ;0
Posted by: Baba | Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 05:19 PM
To quote Spinal Tap, "The bigger the cushion, the softer the pushin'." Nothing wrong with big girls...RL or SL.
I'd like to add that I look EXACTLY like my avatar: Muscular, good looking, perfect hair. Yeah...right.
Posted by: Boss Melnitz | Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 05:25 PM
I've got a "chunky avatar" too. I did it because I want to look better in Real Life than in Second Life. :-)
Posted by: Jaymin Carthage | Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 07:10 PM
Most big avatars I meet are griefers, actually. But they never look that good - they have that newbie look that gives them away.
Posted by: Laetizia Coronet | Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 07:07 AM
I guess this is gonna be more and more a trend! I am over the 50's in RL, and in the beginning my avatar looked 30 something and had a wide chest and strong arms...Sure.. I was thinking "I feel young, and look young for my age in RL.. why not BEING younger in SL?" but as time went by and I got to get more comfortable with being a resident, my avatar changed! now my SL avatar looks very, very similar to my avatar in RL, it has wrinkles and all !!! ;)
Posted by: Ferran Krasopani | Monday, March 05, 2007 at 12:16 PM
It is interesting to see how, in general, avatars tend to be slim and young (or completely bizarre!). Does it relate to one's perception of "self" or is it just a function of the tools / defaults available in SL? I've gone for the "elder geek" look myself (reflects my age I guess). More thoughts on the topic can be found at http://slmascot.blogspot.com/2007/01/more-observations-on-avatars.html
Posted by: Team Mascot | Monday, March 12, 2007 at 06:44 AM
<3 Stellaaaaaa!! If you are happy Stella, then I am happy for you. If you are green, pink, purple, blue, a penguin, a butterfly, fat, skinny, big boobs or small ones or whatever I love what is inside you, and that isn't virtual.
"It's not the avatar that makes the av." Ravi
Posted by: Ravenelle | Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 07:30 AM
As a fat girl in RL myself, and a (very slightly) smaller version in SL, I absolutely love this.
I almost want to run off and friend her right now, just on principle.
Posted by: Decadent Rothschild | Sunday, April 01, 2007 at 02:05 PM
i think that that is really cool.!!!! How do you make or create your own avatar?
Posted by: Kierra | Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 05:33 AM
you know what i am fat and my whole entire family is skinney so it is really hard for me i always have to suck in my tummy in family pictures so i know how you feel and it is hard to fit into your clothes after you grow out of them the next day i usually cry but just keep looking at your self in the merror and tell yourself that you are beautifull nomatter what you look like if you feel like talking to me my email is [email protected] i am 11 bye and remember you are beautiful
Posted by: Nicole Kingsbury | Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 05:13 PM