"I'm 17 years old, live in the [Southern US]. This is my avatar, Raven. I am a Cyborg, a Cyborg Ninja Master to be specific. The Avatar came about slowly, over about a year of playing off and on. I just kind of add to it here and there, sometimes re-invent it completely.
"The last set of wings I made got leaked and are now all across the grid as 'dragon wings.' I don't mind too much, I have a new set now.
"Anyways, this is my Avatar, Raven Zeluco, Shipwright of Zeluco Shipworks, Standing on the bridge of the brand new airship, the SLS Bahamut."
If you're on the Teen Grid and want to enter your avatar in the Expo, here are guidelines for submission:
Take 1-3 screenshots of your avatar at its most amazing. Make sure
they're .jpegs that are well lit, close-up, and detailed, and without
the interface in the shot.
- No Photoshopping or other post-production; in-world particle effects
and other "natural" elements are fine.
- Try to include a cool background in the image.
- No pics over 500K please!
- Include a description of your avatar, where you took the screenshot,
how you customized the avatar, and what you like about it most. Also
tell us what inspired you to create it.
- Be sure to include your avatar name for credit. If you like, include
your RL age.
- E-mail them and the description to [email protected]
- Deadline is April 1st!