Babbage thumbs-up Suffugium
Second Life doesn't lack for stuff-- not when 65% of active users create content, and hundreds of thousands of items are sold every month. (And that's a figure from last year; by now, it may easily be past millions of sales monthly.) What the world lacks is a way of compiling it all in a way so it's not just an undifferentiated mass.
As blogged here, Babbage Linden is attempting to filter that deluge of things with a new Digg-style ratings system, a heads-up display that lets Residents select an item and give it a thumbs up/down rating. The folksonomy comes from Babbage's website, which displays these ratings in real time (or close to it.) So, a Digg for virtual objects, which could easily shape the SL content experience, just as the original Digg has done with the Internet at large. Go here to pick up your copy of Babbage's SLateIt HUD.
I had fun trying this out with Babbage! I gotta say, some of the object names showing up on that list... are crackin' me up! :D
"Kit's Blue Baby & Toaster Head Bear"
"Angry Pitchfork inna Box"
I'm gunna check those out.
Posted by: Torley | Thursday, March 01, 2007 at 10:58 AM
65% create content?
Maybe last year, when the numbers were relatively low, but I'd be amazed if (with 4Million+ accounts) the number comes anywhere near this level.
Thinks: Is there any way to find out?
Remember 43.7% of all statistics are made up.
Posted by: Aleister Kronos | Monday, March 05, 2007 at 05:09 AM