With Hana Dae at the virtual Capitol
With the next US Presidential elections just a year and a half away, primary campaigning has already begun in earnest-- in the Caucus and main primary states, and in Second Life. Some 800 Residents have already joined unofficial support groups for the mainline Democratic candidates: Senator Obama, with 219 members; Senator Clinton, with 243; former Senator Edwards with the most, at 317. Last week, the leaders of these groups got together to discuss the role of SL in the election. Is Second Life another channel in Web 2.0-era campaigning, following the proven success of blogs, social networks, and video streaming sites like YouTube? Or is it a grief-riven, over-hyped distraction from more effective means of campaiging?
I couldn't attend, but Hana Dae of the Hillary Clinton 2008 group was on hand to document the fascinating conversation that followed, between a group of diverse and eminently qualified advocates for their respective candidates, moderated by an established journalist associated with public TV's highly-regarded "Frontline" program. Hana generously took the time to edit her chat log into a highly readable transcript, full of nuggets of insight-- in my opinion, it's mandatory reading for anyone even partly curious about the potential of Second Life (or online worlds in general) to become the Meet Up space of 2008.
"Political Campaigns in SL" after the break.