The Iraqi War Memorial was created in 2004, in honor of Coalition troops who have lost their lives in that ongoing conflict. When it first opened, the shrine wound up situated alongside a highway, in between a disco and a Walmart knockoff. It's since been more suitably relocated in the stratosphere of Galactica, on a tranquil platform high above the shopping malls and homes, and a recreation of the spinning earth.
Real names and faces of the war dead are displayed across the shrine; in that sense, it is one of Second Life's first mixed reality installations, and certainly among its most somber. (Read about the opening here.) A message at the entrance reads, in part, "This site is NOT a place for political discussions, where people share their pro-war, anti-war, pro-Bush, anti-Bush feelings. There are plenty of other places in SL for that." And that's as it should be, for the memorial has been funded and sustained by supporters and opponents of the war alike. "Here, it is only the memory of these men and women, that is important."
To visit it, you take a short teleporter ride from the base of Galactica. SLURL to the site at this link.
The Memorial, founded by Ace Cassidy, revived by Lecktor Hannibal, with support from many other Residents, also accepts L$ donations, to sponsor the shrine's upkeep costs; any excess is sent as converted US$, as it should be, to three worthy groups: the Armed Forces Relief Trust, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and Lunaville (which provides the combat casualty data displayed at the site.)