Bags packed, a metaverse beckons...
For her next NWN article on Second Life fashion, Iris Ophelia will be touring some of the most stylish places on the grid-- and, of course, offering her unique advice on the ideal ensemble to wear in every locale. Not "style" in the real world sense, but SL's own unique take on the concept, which includes not just glamorous nightclubs and ballrooms, but, say, Elven forests, dystopian city streets, bullet-strewn battlegrounds, and more. As long as they're created with elegance and taste, no matter how fantastic or strange, Iris is ready to visit, and find the perfect fashion for them.
She already has several personal favorites picked out, but she's looking for many more stops on her grand tour. Where should she go?
Alas, I haven't a specific suggestion, but I'd love to see reviews of fashions which are impractical or impossible in real life. There are many great architecture builds in SL which are improbable but classy, and I wish more of the fashion was likewise.
Posted by: Cyn Vandeverre | Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at 05:27 PM
You and me both, Cyn! In a world where anything's possible, we still insist on being fettered by RL physics. I'd love to write about fashions that break these barriers but right now they're very hard to come by. Drop me an IM if you have anything in mind on that subject, too~! ^^
Posted by: Iris Ophelia | Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at 05:45 PM
ROMA for the best in ancient sightseeing and togas!
Posted by: Morgana Fillion | Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at 05:53 PM
Might I suggest the weather sim, its got both a great beach and a killer ski lodge, you could do ski and surf fashions
Posted by: boliver oddfellow | Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at 06:10 PM
Since she has the retro flight attendant look, maybe she should visit Abbotts Aerodrome and try out a few planes... or maybe go skydiving.
Posted by: Cubey | Tuesday, May 01, 2007 at 09:31 PM
My suggestions:
* Wasteland
* Nakama
* Casablanca
Posted by: rikomatic | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 09:23 AM
Calletta - home of the wayward artists and down at heel hobos.
Posted by: tony maas | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 09:56 AM
On the topical side, I'd like to see her cover business wear. I just hosted a reception for a product (beta) launch and it was jeans and t-shirts everywhere. I'm determined to teach business people how to dress-to-impress in Second Life and it would really help to have a well researched article to point them at.
Posted by: Jaymin Carthage | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 01:06 PM
search for r3mnant in world for a new "real world 2 in world" fashion example
Posted by: sean percival | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 02:06 PM
I second Jaymin's comment: businesswear for business events. I recently discovered two great women's suits: at Blaze (Power Suit) and Luminosity (Business Suit), however they are hard to come by. :O)
Posted by: Fiona Szondi | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 04:05 PM
Hey, is that Saeya's bridge from Imogen? *waves to Iris*
I really like that photo shoot, now first of all, I'm very curious who made your flight attendance outfit and the suitcases. All look very detailed and a fyne ensemble! Perhaps if those suitcases are mod, as you travel 'round the Grid, you can stamp 'em with piccies from your 'splorations?
Well then, I'm going to have to recommend that you check out some of the burgeoning Japanese developments. There are colorful blogs like the Ameba one which make me wish I could read the language! Fun things going on, in-spirit with our internationalization.
Here are some suggested Japanese regions, some of which have suitably atmospheric storefronts, and definitely superultra aesthetics:
* sick
* MeltingDots
* ameba (and the whole freakin' continent 'round it, good gosh, looks like SUNTORY is coming to SL!)
* Metabirds (and the regions 'round it too)
* I hear Chie Salome is workin' on somethin' kewl too, I don't know what it is yet
Happy travels! =^_^=
Posted by: Torley | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 06:59 PM
P.S. Chie tells me her plizzace = HappyDispatch, not to be confused with HAPPY DISPATCH... they're neighbors. HAR.
Posted by: Torley | Wednesday, May 02, 2007 at 07:00 PM
Give Dublin and the West of Ireland a try. Dublin has great music pubs, fun people, and shopping, very urban and hopping. St Stephen's Green has been the site of a number of fashion shows recently, as well. West of Ireland is more of a village (the other side of Irish life), with a friendly pub, great community, shopping, and an amazing surfing beach modeled after a RL spot in Ireland. WOI's is also raising money for a wonderful charity, Project Children.
In both places, you'll find nice architecture, fun and lovely fashions, and a bunch of great people.
Posted by: Sioban | Thursday, May 03, 2007 at 08:41 AM
Wow, great responses, thanks! And the jaunty ensemble is from Bare Rose, badge from PanJen, suitcases from Designs by Szabo (I think :x) and yup, that pic was taken in home-sweet-Imogen!
Posted by: Iris Ophelia | Thursday, May 03, 2007 at 06:22 PM
Try Neufreistadt - an oldie but a good one, and they have great art nowadays. Pack your Alpine suitcase.
And if Cubvey Terra can promote his Abbotts (and a great place it is), I can promote Mariposa. Yes I have a shop there ;)
Posted by: Laetizia Coronet | Friday, May 04, 2007 at 01:20 AM
Acropolis isle for hikes or jogs through the mountains wood and beach - a great sim where you can walk and talk....(auto tours guys are great)
Apollo - another great Garden sim as is Icarus with both heaven and hell... finally the ballroom at Avillion - A disney set available to everyone.
Posted by: Isadora Jervil | Friday, May 04, 2007 at 06:11 AM
Nippon 'E' Estate. Beautiful design by Gwendolyn Fonck.
Posted by: XinXin Yue | Friday, May 04, 2007 at 08:23 AM
You are welcome to stop at the Long Beach Carnival and Amusement park if you have the time. There are more than one parks, so go to the train station, and take the train ride around Long Beach so you dont miss anything. It now extends to Short Beach, which is under construction.
ty :)) Ellen Spark
Posted by: Ellen Spark | Friday, May 04, 2007 at 02:03 PM
Miz Iris, I wood be mighterly pleezed if'n yu cud find time ter visit the island where I lives. Jist search fo' Richmond; it am an island run by a unervaristy what give me sum squattin' rights.
Yu cud then ernjoy sum of hillybilly horspertalerty.
All my best regords,
Pappy (Gest Riter fer Mistopher Ignoramus' blob, ref'rinced abuv).
Posted by: Pappy Enoch | Saturday, May 05, 2007 at 09:21 AM
I think one of the more personable places with some sense of style is Mill Pond. There's a little community of artisans and fanciers, and it reminds me a lot of Provence.
I'm not affiliated with the area, just fond of it.
Posted by: August Hayek | Saturday, May 05, 2007 at 11:30 AM
I agree wholeheartedly w/ the above suggestions (I'm a hopeless sim hopper myself). I'd further recommend the isle of Mystery. Very nicely done sim w/ a sort of mythic Welsh village feel to it and gorgeous landscaping. Just my 2 cents' worth...
Posted by: Arcadian Vanalten | Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 01:05 PM
Would be useful if you provided a list of tp's for ALL these places whether they're visited or not. Sounds like some nice places here.
Posted by: tolstoy | Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 01:43 PM
Well, of course I may be a tad bit biased, but I think your tour would be remiss without a stop at Laguna Beach Club. (No, not the MTV island or the TV show). This club offers a very relaxed beach enviroment with some of the best groups going. For example, talk to the Laguna Couch Club, or the Laguna Clams. These people promote a real sense of welcoming community and inclusiveness. Also be sure and check out the Shark Hut and sign the petition against shark finning and catch the wonderful live music of Dann Numbers, Maximillion Kleene, Fflewddur Lanfair and Dexter Moore -- the hottest live music performers in SL. What you WON'T find at LBC are dancing pools, nudity, escorts or camping chairs.
Posted by: Valiant Strangelove | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 12:46 PM
and of course that was dancing poles, not pools. Grrrrrrr
Posted by: Valiant Strangelove | Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 12:48 PM
is it possible to make a sims 2 rapunzel skin... you know, hair past the knee?
i prefer black?
whats the way to mike it?
email me plz.... [email protected]
Posted by: Yvonne | Friday, November 16, 2007 at 06:41 AM
You can share some of your article, I'm like you write something, really very good! I will continue to focus on.
Posted by: nfl | Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 12:21 AM