Rik Riel's weekly round-up of upcoming SL events...
Diversionarium is a new, non-commercial venue for social games and creative play started by Kate Amdahl and Eris Fallon. Come to the official launch party this Friday, May 25, from 7:30 to 10:00PM and check out all the cool interactive games they have built including: a "Mystery Build" (similar to primtionary), "Aviquest" (a game to match notecards to the avatar who wrote them), "Quoste" (a quotation guessing game), Limeruckus (a collaborative limerick writing game), and Improv games.
I asked Kate what was the motivation behind the Diversionarium. She explained, "What we wanted to do was to create a place where you could go that
was first, free; second, clearly different from other places you could
go to play in Second Life by having none of the same attractions; and
third (and maybe most importantly), by its very nature got people
talking to each other, even shy people." So come out and be diverted, folks, and maybe make a friend. The Diversionarium is at Noul (41, 17).
Also coming up this week: Mitch Kapor talks about getting young people of color into science and technology. Plus dancing bovines, battling MCs, fast cars for sick kids, NASA goes virtual, and of course, sculpties. All that and more after the fold...
(All listings in SLT, i.e. Pacific Standard Time)
Thursday, May 24
12PM - Sculptie Prim Class
Instructor Lendl Aero gives you a quick start on using the new super-versatile prims called sculpties. You will learn how they are made, what is possible, and how to experiment with shapes and textures. There's a class fee of L$125, which includes sculpties & textures. At Tintafel (53, 88).
6PM - Book Signing by Otho Tenk
Otho Tenk of Buffalo Readings will be doing a live signing of his new book Svattenvurst, A novel in words and pictures at
the Buffalo Readings Theater/Cafe/Bookstore and at Bodhisena (187, 178).
8PM - Mitch Kapor Address on Students of Color in Science and Technology
Lotus Notes creator and Linden Lab board chair Mitch Kapor
will be talking about his work to encourage young people of color to
study science and technology. Mitch is
on the board of the Level Playing Field Institute, a San Francisco-based
non-profit organization dedicated to creating more opportunities on campus and the workplace for people of color. At Sheep Island Auditorium (teleport SLURL) and Crayon Theater (teleport SLURL) .
* * *
Friday, May 25
Isle of Lesbos Singles Auction
If you are single and would
you like to help out the GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered)
Foundation then the Singles Auction is the right thing for you. Get the infomation card from the
placards placed around Lesbos and submit it and a picture of yourself
to Desdomona Christiansen no later than May 25th along with a 50L
entrance fee to enter the Auction. All proceeds from the auction will
be given to the GLBT Foundation. On June 1st, you will be auctioned off
to the highest bidder. At Isle Of Lesbos2 (85, 236).
3AM - N00bjectivity#1 Performance Artwork by Wurxli Flimflam
Wirxli Flimflam does a new performance art piece at Trollhaugen (149, 218). Wirxli Flimflam is the
co-founder of the SL performance art group Second Front .
11AM-12:30PM - Ferrari For Kids Fundraiser Party
Ferrari for Kids is a non-profit organisation with a simple mission : making real disabled kids dreams. Apparently lots and lots of disabled kids want a ride in a ferrari and Jean-Charles Percy started a non-profit to provide that for them. They are having a fundraiser party with DJ Clarisse at their new HQ in Spinolds Flats (teleport SLURL).
4PM - Etherian Kamaboko Rocks Out
Etherian Kamaboko's many musical influences
include Chuck Berry, Charles E. Bristol, Ray Charles and many others. Check him out at Rocky Shores at Cascadia (224, 72).
8PM-10PM - SL's First Rap Battle
I thought we'd have to wait for SL voice chat to do this proper, but apparently Licia Domela and her crew think they can pull off a rap contest with L$17,500 in prizes. Contact Licia to sign-up or come out to root for your favorites. Now where's that "throw your hands in the air" animation? At Hawaii (22, 75).
* * *
Saturday, May 26
8AM - Address by NASA Ames Center Director on Satellites, Science and Virtual Worlds
NASA Ames Center
Director Dr. Pete Worden talks about the importance of small satellites,
collaborative science, and how virtual worlds will enable us to “all
go” to space. At NASA CoLab (157, 45).
8:30AM - LSL States, Functions, Events and Variables Class
Johanna Hyacinth teaches a class on LSL, the
Linden Scripting Language, with an emphasis on states, functions, event handlers and variables and data types. This course is intended
primarily for those with either real-world programming experience, or
those who have some experience with scripting in Second Life and who
would like to learn more. At Rockcliffe I (116, 10).
12-4:30PM - The Great SL Cow Dance
The Great SL Cow Dance is a fundraiser for the SL Relay for Life featuring, yes, dancing cows. The party begins at Chalet Linden (teleport SLURL) then to the
ANWR sim and then to the T1Radio Warehouse in Rue dAlliez for a live concert Featuring Bill & Pam Havercamp. Pick Up your Dancing Cow and T1Radio TPod at the Warehouse or La Vie
en Rose in Rue d'Alliez (teleport SLURL) or at Koko Nutz Pier in Cincta (SLURL).
5PM - Class on Starting a Business in SL
Feniks Stone teaches a class on how to start and run a business in SL, including figuring out what's already out there, developing your niche, attracting potential customers and selling your stuff. At disturbing world (159, 79).
* * *
Sunday, May 27
11AM - Water Effects Class
Protomas Ludwig guides you in working with water in SL. Learn how to create streams, fountains, pools and other watery builds. At disturbing world (159, 79).
1PM - Beyond the Void Goth Concert
The Munich-based goth rock band Beyond the Void performs live at the Festival of Cultures at New Berlin (215, 230).
4PM - Boxing: Sunday Night Extreme
Ok, I want a clean fight with no custom scripts or laggy attachments! Watch avatars bob, weave and pummel each other in totally unscripted bouts at LONG ISLAND (235, 245).
Join Rik's group on Eventful.com to stay up to date on what's happening in SL-- info on submitting event notices below. Visit Rik's blog, Click Heard Round the World.
New World Notes often highlights events for the upcoming week. If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event link to Rik Riel via IM or e-mail him at [email protected].
Main guidelines:
- Events for the coming week must be received by Monday Noon SLT.
- Events posted in SL's official listing board greatly preferred.
- Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
- Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are usually not appropriate to NWN Events. Instead, consider advertising your event on New World Notes.
- Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before" value.