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Monday, June 11, 2007


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Laetizia Coronet

None whatsoever, sorry. Having SL on my mobile would be an utterly useless application. My mobile phone is a necessary evil and I have neither the wish nor the need to access SL while in the supermarket or at the beach.
I'd much rather see a SL which does not demand constant upgrading of computer systems than a SL fit for mobile devices. In other words: a SL accessible to more people instead of a SL accessible in more ways by a limited amount of people.

gwendolyn kronsage

I am an avid user of my Twitterbox to receive and send tweets, so yes that's a good example of the use of SL > web> mobile technology. I do like the telephone booths that swiss company Starfruit distributes in SL as a way of sending (free) texts to mobile phones (http://www.starfruit.ch/sms). I did send a few and received some as well. And that is an application I would like to see extended: a device (SL phone) that would allow me to receive the text messages i receive on my RL mobile (cell) phone to be sent to SL. With of course an option to reply to them (being in-world, using my computer keyboard instead of the small keyboard on my phone). I wouldnt mind paying for that service, just like I do with RL text messages.

gwendolyn kronsage

oh and an application that would just allow me to use my phone to IM with ppl that are in-world, that woud be nice too :-) (that would even be great in a webbased app but on my phone it would even be more easy.

An SL client for the Windows Mobile couldn't be a bad idea, albeit with limited functionality as you mention in your article. With Apple's iPhone on the horizon, opportunities indeed exist for hot, forward-thinking developers.

Alastair Chamerberlin

While we are on the subject of fixing SL....when are we going to have the ability to open up a browser window inworld?

Hamlet Au

Good points so far, keep 'em coming.

Has anyone tried Comverse's cellphone application for SL, by the way?

John Norris

I want a simple "window" between RL and SL. I'm thinking of an SL video phone, where in SL I would see a picture of the ava I'm chatting with, and on the RL mobile side, I would see a simple pic of whatever is in front of the SL phone.

Nightbird Glineux

What I want is a general way to chat in-world and "in-character" to people on my SL friends list with text and without using the client. This should work with both desktop computers and cell phones. A bridge between SL and an IM service like AIM or Live Messenger would be great, assuming it would work with a recent-vintage cell phone.


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Only 7 days after that I began touching money! I was astonished! But all at once I thought that everything was over. But nothing of the sort! During the first week I received 25$, the end of the next week it was 1000$. It was the 4th week when the sum made up 42000$ and this sum increasing rapidly till now. And all this cost 6$ only?! I couldn’t believe that it was working until I started touching money from all over the world.
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What is of great importance, that it isn’t cheat and unlegal; for all that you don’t take any risk while the system serving you. Follow the exact instruction and you’ll receive nearly 50000$ for 20 – 60 days.
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There are very three steps to access:
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At last here it the list of the E-gold accounts:
1) 5160180
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6) 5160333
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This business exist and prospers due to the honesty and seriousness of participants only.
So, by the time you achieve the first position, you’ll have thousands of money only being the creator of the list! It cost you 6$ and little work. Make it now, not delay for tomorrow. Time presses!
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I receive 3125$, is it impressive. And it cost only 6$.
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Many homeowners love the look and style of contemporary design, however when it comes to developing the look in the bedroom they simply just do not have a clue as to how to achieve it.

The good news is that no matter how terrible your decorating skills may be, contemporary style decorating is fairly simple to do. It could be something as simple as painting the room a different color or even just changing your bedding and obviously that does not cost a fortune either.

Creating a Contemporary Look

The main thing that you have to remember with contemporary design is that it should be simple and have clean lines. You do not have to worry so much about every piece of furniture coordinating with each other; just as long as you keep the look simple you should be ok. Chrome and metal furnishings go particularly well in contemporary design as well as both dark and light stained wood and black lacquer furniture.

Accessories are not overly used in contemporary style decorating either but it is important to know that the accessories which you will be using will need to be well thought out. Simple vases with just one flower in them and metal sculptures make excellent accessories within the bedroom and decorative pillows on the bed can also look really good too.

You need to ensure that the lighting is perfect and one way to make that happen is to use chandelier type lighting and bedside lamps work well too. Chrome ceiling fixtures work really well with recessed lighting but you should ideally stay well clear of fancy lighting.

The color of the walls is the next thing which you should focus on and generally brown colors are usually preferred along with the use of black and white which creates a striking contrast. By painting the room a neutral color you can then let the accessories and the furniture take over the main theme. This means that you do not have to spend a huge amount of money creating a contemporary theme which is ideal if you have a small budget.

Plain artwork finishes off the contemporary look and they can make really plain walls look a little more exciting. Whilst simplicity is part of the contemporary style, there is such a thing as being too simplistic so do not have the walls too bare otherwise it will just look unlived in. If you want to make your room look a little more modern then adding tribal masks and abstract art onto the walls will really help to create the look.

Overall it is fairly simple to get the look which you require from contemporary decorating in the bedroom and it does not break the bank either. Just changing the bedding can make a huge difference so do what you can with the money that you have.

[url=http://www.macandmacinteriors.co.uk]contemporary furniture[/url]

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