Rik Riel's weekly round-up of upcoming SL events...
It's hard to believe, but Second Life is four years old this week! The "SL4B," SL’s fourth birthday celebration, is being feted with a host of events from June 23-30 on a whopping nine sims, based at the SL4B sim (teleport SLURL). According to the press release, at the SL4B there will be everything from stand-up comedians, live music and entertainment, educational and art exhibitions, and role-play environments. Contact Ms. Ariel Otafuku for event details.
Also coming up this week: mystic circles, build-a-snail, sci-fi geeks assemble, a major foundation explores the metaverse, and a few non-English-oriented events in my picks. C'est un tres bon chance d'utiliser votre appareil du traduction comme le Babbler y peut-etre rencontre un ami noveau. (Translation: It's a good time to use your translator device like Babbler, and maybe make a new friend.)
(All listings in SLT, i.e. Pacific Standard Time)
Thursday, June 21
9AM-Late Night - Mystical Circle Renaissance Festival
The Mystical Festival gathers magical folks of all races to celebrate life and share their culture over the Summer
Solstice. So whether you are an
Elf, Hobbit, Dragon, Drow, Neko, Dryad, Goblin, Orc or just a boring Human, there's something for you. Highlights include Cypress Rosewood in concert, tarot readings, magic, storytelling, fashion shows, crafting classes, a
particle light show, and fireworks. At Acheron LV426 (86, 145).
5:30PM - Opening Party for the Pump House
Pump House #9, a new "industrial strength" art space, is throwing an
art+music party to celebrate its official opening. Featured visual
artists are Static Schultz, Chloe Mills and Cidius Leavitt. At Chapala (182, 80).
6:30PM - Build Your Own Low Prim Dining Room Set
Golda Stein says that "good furniture design does not have to be prim heavy and time consuming
to create." Golda teaches you how to design a low prim dining room set with
accessories that can be built in a short period of time,
incorporating sculpties as well as standard prims. Class participants should have prior building experience and know basic
skills. At Dreams (60, 59).
6:30-8PM - "Black Tie & Blues" Machinima and Music Event
"Black Tie & Blues" celebrates the premiere of a new machinima piece about the Oyster
Bay sculpture garden by Kronos Kirkorian. At 7PM Komuso Tokugawa performs boogie
blues live from Tokyo. At Oyster (Teleport SLURL).
* * *
Friday, June 22
9AM - President of MacArthur Foundation Discusses Philanthropy in Virtual Worlds
Linden Lab CEO Philip Linden will join
MacArthur Foundation
President Jonathan Fanton for a discussion about the role of
philanthropy in virtual worlds. Questions, comments and topics for discussion
will be solicited from the audience during the event. At the USC Annenberg Public
Diplomacy Island (teleport SLURL ).
9AM - Avatar Makeover Class
Having trouble making new friends? Other residents back up when you walk in the room? Perhaps your avatar needs a makeover. Instructor Honeydew Hilite will show you how to spruce up your avatar's
appearance without spending lots of Lindens. At Fishermans Cove (37, 232).
1PM - Meditation and Spirituality Discussion (In French)
A discussion among SL francophones about meditation and spirituality at Gloria (177, 62).
3PM - GeekMeet with Trevor Smith and Cisco's Christian Renaud
The blog Metaversed.com is sponsoring a "GeekMeet" discussion on "the future of the 3D web", featuring Trevor Smith of Ogoglio and Christian Renaud from Cisco Systems. At Second Mirage (135, 28).
* * *
Saturday, June 23
7AM - Architectural Tour of Farnsworth House
Designer Dingson will give a tour of his Mies van der Rohe Farnsworth
House. Then Chip Poutine will talk about how architects can establish a viable professional
practice through digital architecture. At Architecture Island (228, 57).
9AM - Newbie Money Class (in English / Italian)
Gaia Rossini teaches a class on the various ways to earn Linden dollars. She will also cover some basics including camera controls, the search bar, landmarks, and scams. This class will be given in English and Italian. At Colorado Tech (33, 157).
12PM - Opening of Sci-Fi Expo
The Scifi Expo, taking place from June 23 - 28, opens today at noon.
The StarFleetCommand group hosts a range of activities from a vendor's exhibition, lectures,
demonstrations, free giveaways and a sci-fi themed ball. At Constellation (30, 51). Engage!
1PM - German Guitarist Andy Glasgow
German guitarist Andy Glasgow comes to the Pemberley Clubhouse. Andy plays both original songs and covers inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, and others. At Pemberley (124, 133).
* * *
Sunday , June 24
9AM - Class on Working with "Glass"
Sunn Thunders teaches an intermediate, exploratory class on creating objects that have a unique "glass"
style. Students should know the basics of building in SL. At Colorado Tech (33, 157).
1PM - How To Deal With Griefers
A discussion covering important tips and tricks for dealing with "griefing" activity, including: what "griefers" want and how to thwart them, how to use Second Life's Mute feature, how to avoid being orbited/pushed, ways to protect yourself on land you/your group owns, and how and when to file an Abuse Report with Linden Lab. At Fishermans Cove (37, 232).
11:30PM-2:30AM - Watch America's Cup Live
Watch the live animated races of the America's Cup Match Race 2 at AmericasCupAnywhere (149, 143).
* * *
Monday, June 25
Image by Ordinal Malaprop, used under CC-licence
10AM - Make Your Own Racing Snail
You've seen them slime their way around the racetrack. Well now you can create your own racing snail that you've always dreamed of. Script and good textures included for a L$350 class fee. The class requires basic build knowledge. At Agape (129, 39).
7PM - Wendy Curtis in Concert
Wendy Curtis is a singer/songwriter / guitarist who has opened for Faith Hill and Tim McGraw and
has produced four CDs of original material. Catch her live at Fishers Island (126, 143).
Join Rik's group on Eventful.com to stay up to date on what's happening in SL-- info on submitting event notices below. Visit Rik's blog, Click Heard Round the World.
New World Notes often highlights events for the upcoming week. If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event link to Rik Riel via IM or e-mail him at [email protected].
Main guidelines:
- Events for the coming week must be received by Monday Noon SLT.
- Events posted in SL's official listing board greatly preferred.
- Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
- Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are usually not appropriate to NWN Events. Instead, consider advertising your event on New World Notes.
- Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before" value.