Events, projects, discussions; announcements, observations, amazements: post all and sundry here, for my highlighting imminently.
Update, Sunday 6/10: Events today: At 1pm SLT, an awards party for a photograph contest benefiting SL Relay for Life with fireworks and music by the excellent Cylindrian Rutabaga (thanks, Has Lassard); at 4pm SLT, an ark movie-themed party with veteran DJs Trinity and Nala and pioneer SL musicians Frogg Marlowe and Jaycatt Nico (thanks, Boliver Oddfellow).
Update 2, Monday 6/11: Miriam, a British business student, is running an interesting-looking survey on real world advertising in SL. Take it here.
The Awards Party for the HOPE Photography Contest for the Relay for Life has a full day of events scheduled. Please come and celebrate with us. Come enjoy the Art, the music and the show. While you are there, please bid on a photo, and make a donation to support the Relay For Life!
Sunday June 10th
1pm Heath Elvehjem Live
2pm Awards
2:30pm Cylindrian Rutabaga Live
3:30pm Fireworks
Posted by: Has Lassard | Friday, June 08, 2007 at 11:53 PM
Hmm.. I have a project.
No. It is started yesterday, in fact :)
It is my blog with very short thoughts trying to bring out my arguments that Second Life is not another life, another universe but it is in fact Real Life for anyone no matter the are roleplayers or business persons.
Reason for a such discussion? I think it's time to clarify these things as more and more people use the new environments called "virtual worlds". ( I call them "digitized worlds" )
That's it:
Posted by: Clement Rosher | Saturday, June 09, 2007 at 02:41 AM
Dell Presents the Evan All Mighty Rock the Ark Party @ Dell City Hosted by Trinity and Nala of the Trinala Show and featuring the Music of Frogg Marlowe and Jaycatt Nico, as well as some very cool swag (including a mini ark for your personal use) and some never before seen footage of the New Universal Studios film Evan All Mighty, and a best fury/neko couple contest. So come on down 2 X 2
(it is an ark after all) and help Dell throw a party of biblical proportions 4-6PM SLT
Posted by: boliver oddfellow | Saturday, June 09, 2007 at 07:39 AM
Uh, what day is that, Boliver?
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Saturday, June 09, 2007 at 08:42 AM
Hello~~I’m Miriam, an MSc student in Aston Business School, UK, and I am currently conducting my dissertation which is a study about how effective Second Life is as a branding tool, focusing on avatars’ attitudes and opinions towards advertisements of brands from real world.
For you, as an Second Lifer, what is your attitude and opinions towards advertising in SL?
It's a chance to express your opinion!
Here is the link of online survey:
Your participation will be very important to this study and highly appreciated.
Posted by: Miriam | Saturday, June 09, 2007 at 09:39 AM
Sorry for leaving that out Hamlet, Dell's Rock the Ark Party is Sunday June 10th from 4-6PM SLT
Posted by: boliver oddfellow | Saturday, June 09, 2007 at 10:21 AM