Charts courtesy of Forseti Svarog
The offshore haven of the Cayman Islands may have the most active Residents, but most of the 500,000-plus active Residents are from ten nations-- thanks to the Electric Sheep Company's Forseti Svarog, we have copious charts to track their May usage. The two above are the most striking to me, for they suggest the active Residents are just that-- in-world from 21 hours (that's Brazil) to 50 hours (that's the Netherlands) a month. Forseti points out an interesting wrinkle to this: older Residents tend to be in-world significantly longer-- an average of 90 minutes a day (45 hours a month), for those in the 35-44 age bracket, and 110 minutes (55 hours a month), for those 45 and older.
Much more here at the Sheep blog, Out to Pasture.
and when ppl then only focus on the actual numbers (17.500) for the Netherlands it can still happen that in articles in the paper it gets branded as a flop here in NL. The actual point of engagement (with ppl spending 100 mins per day) is easily overlooked or discarded while i think brands, organisations and companies should use just that on line presence to their advantage.
Posted by: gwendolyn kronsage | Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 08:45 AM