Tuesday, July 10, 2007


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The other question is if you include Nekos in that figure or not. Which I know is the subject of some debate. In my view, they are close enough kin to be mostly semantic in difference.

Seven Shikami

I wouldn't count "nekos" in there. The majority of them, at least from what I've seen, are hardly furry; they're just people wearing ear and tail accessories and using mewing emotes a little too often. If they had an actual feline face and body fur then we'd be talking furry.

Harle Armistice

It really only makes sense to me. Furs have been using online services to congregate for a long time, from Mushes to Furcadia and other venues. When Second Life came along, it was an obvious place to 'adopt' into the mass furry online culture. So a disproportionate number of furs in general, as an internet culture, ended up migrating there. It's very likely that a good 75-85% of the furry fandom has an account with Second Life, perhaps more.

So while Second Life is constantly drawing new accounts from all kinds of cultures, online and offline, furs in general were already here in pretty solid ranks right from the get-go. The only way that the furry community in Second Life will grow is if the furry community in general grows.

And that said, I think Second Life has done wonders at expanding the furry community's numbers. I've met so many people who would never have gotten into the fandom if not for meeting furs on Second Life.

Patchouli Woollahra

Haven't you heard, Hamlet? Taco is dead.


Incidentally, the percentage of furry Lindens is not too dissimilar!


The number of furry avatar vendors is getting quite a bit larger, though. Just looking at a percentage from Lusk then and now misses a potential loss of market share.

Michi Lumin

Actually, Soft, this isn't only counting Lusk. The last thing I want to do is go disseminating info that isn't my business to give out, so while there's more reasoning behind these numbers, Luskwood's numbers are the ones I can publically talk about.

Either way it's never going to be an exact science: There are likely furries who don't have an avatar, non-furries who do have an avatar, those inbetween who may somewhat consider themselves a furry and under other circumstances not.

Interestingly enough, I -don't- think there's a "plateau" as much as a "clot".

Visiting conventions, tehre are still a lot of furs who either don't know about SL, are afraid / reluctant to try it, have misconceptions of it or have hardware issues that keep them from joining.

All that being said, I'm completely conservative with my estimates. Another way to figure it would be looking at unique visitors to furry areas over time, but that -also- doesn't guarantee that someone is "furry".

We are, after all, talking about a metagenre here. And I don't think a plateau is going to happen. In SL, there's always folks who want to try something new, or are willing to open their mind.

Some folks on SL who aren't a furry today, may be next year.

Relee Baysklef

It's a sad fact that the Taco sim has been gone now for, gosh, has it been a year already? At least six months.

Noplace in SL exists that I'm aware of that is anything like that happy, colourful place. The loss of Taco was one of the greatest I've known in the time I've been using SL, but sadly it was not worth the trouble to its owners.

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