NWN's Uncanny Valley Expo contest last year was one of my favorite features, showcasing the truly expressive range of SL avatars who crossed the divide between creepily artificial and the believably human. Now it's time to see how far the human avatar has evolved since then. In the first Expo, I was specifically looking for emotional expression. This time, the category is decidedly broader: Send me images and video of realistic avatars who engage on a human level.
Submission details after the break. And yes, along with glory, there's fabulous prizes. Well, fairly nice ones at any rate.
Deadline is August 12th. No submissions accepted after that!
E-mail me ([email protected]) a .jpeg screenshot or link to a YouTube video depicting a realistic avatar that engages us on a human level. I'll post screenshots and links to YouTube videos as I receive them to New World Notes, and as they fit the guidelines. Uncanny Valley Expo 2007 will last until end of September or as long as submissions continue.
For credit, include:
- Submitter's SL name
- SL name of model
- Name of the animation or gesture used to create any expressed emotion, and its creator (if any)
- Credit to the skin creator (if any)
- Title of screenshot or movie (if any)
- Screenshot submissions should not be larger
than 1 meg.
- Resolution must be at least 800x600
- No avatars with "dead eyes", please!
- Focal emphasis should be on the face-- other details may be cropped out.
- Update, 7/12: Up to three entries per Resident. I may run all or none of them.
- All elements of screenshot or video must be taken from within SL. Absolutely no Photoshopping or other post-production
elements. Videos should not contain music or other external elements that heighten or "cue" the emotional expression.
- All submissions posted in NWN-- or not-- at my discretion.
- At the end of the Expo, I or a celebrity judge will nominate up to ten finalists in two categories, Screenshot and Video, with the final winners decided by reader vote.
Top two-three Expo vote winners featured in an extended NWN entry. Top two entries win a free 125x125 SL-based ad on NWN for a year or the
next NWN Uncanny Valley Expo, whichever comes first. Top five entries get a signed copy of the official SL guide.
ithink i sent in 4 or more before the update sorry ,and hope you like them HALEY
Posted by: HALEY Salomon | Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 08:38 AM
This is such a good idea :-) I'm amazed how ppl can generate these awesome avatars into a photo? Has it something to do with size of your PC/Mac processor, preference settings or is it "just" very skillful work with skins and shapes?... Or a combination, maybe.
Well I'll be looking forward to the competition results and tease for it everywhere I can. I might know a few ppl that really are artists.
Yours Ley Wrangler
Posted by: Ley Wrangler | Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 11:37 AM
what are "dead eyes"?
Posted by: ada radius | Monday, July 30, 2007 at 03:01 PM
So, I'm confused, the article says "Deadline is August 12th. No submissions accepted after that!"
But then it says "Uncanny Valley Expo 2007 will last until end of September or as long as submissions continue."
Are you taking submissions through the end of September, or was August 12th the cut off?
Posted by: Zee Pixel | Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 11:48 AM