Latest SL-related dispatches from the outside world...
• For Events, Second Life Voice Isn't the Answer | Metaversed
Compelling contrarian case for not using voice. Drawbacks noted: heavy breathing. (Not necessarily a problem with some events, of course.)
• Gamasutra - Library Of Congress To Preserve Games, Virtual Worlds
With the International Spaceflight Museum appropriately the first to be entered into the US government's record. How about a metaverse registry of landmark realities, modeled after the National Film Registry?
• Virtual Reality ‘Avatars’ Are Now Real Enough To Be Sued — The American
Lawyer considers the ramifications of the Serpentine case. If I read it right, he thinks plaintiffs basically have to explain the importance of virtual world-based IP to the judge, to get a bulletproof discovery order. (Hat tip: Virtually Blind.)
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