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Thursday, August 23, 2007


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Tateru Nino

Some of my favourites and a few I don't know. We've definitely got to go shopping together sometime.


Holy smokes! That's a really great and comprehensive article, Iris. More, more, more!


I am very sorry to say that but these clothes are absolutely not impressive, they are even pretty normal average. I dont want to say that they are bad but they are definately not impressive at all. If you are advertising designers then you must start making a better job and if you really want to advertise a real good designer then check these clothes out: link -->http://www.secondlifecamping.com/clothes.html
and i am not writing this because the designer is my friend in rl no im writing this because her clothes really ARE special, really ARE impressive and you dont find such stuff anywhere else in sl

Iris Ophelia

What is most impressive about these designers is what they are doing without of tutorials and most advertising systems, which in SL are dominated by the English language. Furthermore they are interesting because they are influenced by a completely different culture and completely different perception of fashion than the majority of SL designers. That's why I love them and love what they do.

'Kota Buck

Cecile, I think you may have accidentally left the wrong link in your comment. There were only pictures of poorly textured slutwear (what an embarrassing mix-up, eh?) Good you please include a different link to pictures of these great clothes you're talking about?

I'd have to agree with Iris, what SL's Japanese fashion community has been producing is amazing. As a designer, I found (and still find) the design, production and marketing of apparel in SL quite difficult - but I have the advantage of English being my first language. Also, and I think this is one of the best things about SL itself, it is so refreshing to see creations coming from such a different cultural background to my own. I can't wait to see what else the Japanese designers of SL produce in the future.

Very well written article by the way, Iris.

Oliver Blankes


I don't mean to be... argumentative, but really? Ok, I take that back, I do mean to be critical, maybe even somewhat hostile - without passion critique is just calculation, afterall. So yeah, let this be argumentative.

First, Iris' words strike true. The designers in this article have strong portfolios of interesting, well thought out, and complete designs, without the sort of help that English literate designers have. They have a good feel for aesthetics, and are observant of fashion trends not only in SL, but in the real world. Without anyone else to go to, without being able to ask any of the other, pre-established designers how to work well with prims, or what specific shades make the intricate details of these designs pop, or even (at the most banal) how to best go about distributing their work, they've built business that produce (at the very least) quality clothing.

Second, I hate to be "that guy," but if I were one of the designers mentioned above, I would take great offense at the tone of your comment. Without any critical analysis you dismiss the designs above. you don't describe any specific faults, only noting that they are "not impressive." Here's a tip for the future, when you're writing a critique on anything, don't tell me in broad strokes how the subject of your writing makes you feel. A good piece of analysis will, through clear and descriptive language, convince me of your point of view without you even mentioning it. When Iris writes about Little Heaven, she doesn't say "Yeah, they're impressive." She notes Chiko Duell's strength with prims, that one of the outfits is "fun and flattering," that another shows the designer's "flair for the dramatic and costumey-side of style, featuring a 7-foot long word and enough gleaming, riveted details to satisfy even the pickiest of knights." By reading this I know what she liked about it, I know that she was impressed and she didn't even have to waste a line (let alone two) on telling me. You will find similar structure and adherence to descriptive writing in any quality critique.

Third, while you insult the designers with your comments, it is the author of the above article herself that should be offended by your words. First, you insult the author's ability to recognize quality, which is, I assure you, the very core of what it means to be a good critic, whether SL Fashionista, or NY Times Cinephile. You say (more or less) that she has to do a better job of displaying worthy designers and outfits, and in doing so you not only are denouncing the taste she displays in the above article, but the ability she has at her job. It's one thing to say "Hey, I don't agree with you here," it's a whole other to say "Do you job better," especially if we look back at my last point, where in I've established that I'm not quite sure you know much about good evaluative writing. Also, briefly, you've also insulted Wagner James Au's ability to select good staff, something that any good editor prides himself on.

Third, finally, and at a most superficial level, let me be clear that you and I have quite a divergence in what makes a good outfit. Yes yes, there is no accounting for taste, and yes yes, I know that some people like to juggle geese, and that there is nothing I can do about that. But honestly. From a sheerly mechanical standpoint, I don't understand how you can look at http://nwn.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/08/23/littleheaven.jpg and then look at http://www.secondlifecamping.com/images/egyptian2.jpg and say that the former is "less impressive" than the latter. Perhaps the second suits your tastes - I prefer my human form to have legs that make sense, and to not be decorated by gaudy bangles - but to say that it is more impressive is outlandish. The designers above are adept (at least) at creating clothing in SL, and in some cases display mastery that is all too rare. Chiko's prims, June Dion's control of a color palette, and Kru Flan's attention to detail are among the best I've seen - Japanese or otherwise. I take your advice, go to SecondLifeCamping, and what do I see? http://www.secondlifecamping.com/images/lizard1.jpg and http://www.secondlifecamping.com/images/diamond.jpg and countless other outfits that, at best, look pasted on to their models. There is no subtlety here, no careful touch. For that matter they even lack the over-the-top edge Tohru Kanami, elleair Plasma, and the others in Iris' article. Many of the designs on SecondLifeCamping are trite and without depth, flat and without direction. If I can break rule number one, and also be a plagiarist, they are all together unimpressive, though unlike the ones in "The Second Life of Japanese Fashion", a very large number of them are just bad.

I think I've said my peace here. I don't expect a response. I suspect instead that this was just your cheap way to give a boost of traffic to your friend's site, which I'm sure they are very passionate about, and to whom I wish the best of luck. For you, though, I wish only that you read this post in entire, and the next time that you feel like sharing your assessments with us, that what you have to share is worth my time.


Stephanie Misfit

Excellent article Iris, I will certainly be referring back to this as a resource.

To the fool who callously put down other designers to advertise her "friend"s line of, er, slutwear: rather than promote your friend's work, you have done her a great disservice with your comments here. Slagging off someone else's work and then directing them to a site filled with poorly textured clothes that look like they come out of a freebie box is hardly going to generate customers. Your "friend" might also like to consider promoting her stuff somewhere besides a camping site - it hardly gives her credibility as a designer. But if I ever become a blingtard bimbo who relies primarily on camping for income, and dresses in cheap and nasty clothing, at least I will know where to look.


im really wondering what you are talking about. i have visited all this japanese colthes area and this is really for me personally a newbbie area. and i was also in this shop of the girl you are herasing here all the time and i bought 2 outfits and i will much more as soon i have the money for it. her clothes are stunning you should maybe better visit her shop first before laming her. i really think you guys are just a bunch of jealous morons. you even disgust me so much. the clothes in the shop of that girl are absolutely not cheap and nasty maybe you are cheap and nasty girl lol. i never met such a variety of creative clothes in sl before. so shut up morons and visit her shop and ask her to show you some of her outfits before you start talking shit you disgusting ppl


im really wondering what you are talking about. i have visited all this japanese colthes area and this is really for me personally a newbbie area. and i was also in this shop of the girl you are herasing here all the time and i bought 2 outfits and i will much more as soon i have the money for it. her clothes are stunning you should maybe better visit her shop first before laming her. i really think you guys are just a bunch of jealous morons. you even disgust me so much. the clothes in the shop of that girl are absolutely not cheap and nasty maybe you are cheap and nasty girl lol. i never met such a variety of creative clothes in sl before. so shut up morons and visit her shop and ask her to show you some of her outfits before you start talking shit you disgusting ppl


ah and i forgot to say that after i bought her outfits she contacted me and took my size and spend some time to modify all atatchments for me so that everything fits for my bbody. her attachments and outfits are made of like 400 prims and more. so really lol just shut up newbies coz such an excellent service you wont find anywhere else in this game

La Carmina

Very neat - thanks for the info! I wrote an entry about Gothic Lolita fashion/designers on Second Life (and Linden's Lolita word ban) on my Gothic Lolita blog, http://www.lacarmina.com Thought you might be interested. Thought you might be interested. The stable URL is http://www.carmenyuen.com/blog/post/index/92/GOTHIC-LOLITA-CLOTHES-AND-AVATARS-ON-SECOND-LIFE

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Whoever that hasn't visited a Japanese shop is missing out. So far, the best designers on SL I've liked are Japanese. Why? Low prices for full outfits, non slut-ware, and good to excellent quality.

Whoever argues that they have average quality is being biased. I've seen both English and Japanese designers have average quality, and I find that English designers tend to charge more for their products. In fact, I could say that there's more slutty clothing in English shops too.

Thanks for post, even though I replied 3 years after.

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Hey mate! I completely agree with your thoughts. Thank you for posting this.

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Hey! awesome blog! I happen to be a daily visitor to your site

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Straight to the point and well written! Why can’t everyone else be like this?

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