Rik Riel's weekly round-up of upcoming SL events...
Whatever your political stripe, the entrance of a major American forum of political bloggers, activists and politicians into SL is big news. From August 2-5, the Yearly Kos Convention will draw a thousand or so progressive-types to Chicago, including every Democratic candidate for the US presidency. Those not able to get to Chi-town can attend YearlyKos virtually, watching streaming keynotes, attending breakout sessions, and pressing the digital flesh. Check the full convention schedule for specifics on topics, speakers and locations. Registration is US$25, either on the web or at Progressive Island (127, 52, 25).
Also coming up this week: A groovy music festival, a William Gibson appearance, racing for lindens, a German scripting class, a Spanish newbie lesson, early medieval music and, yes, a class on the art of virtual nookie. All that wackiness and a lot more after the fold...
(All listings in SLT, i.e. Pacific Standard Time)
August 3-4 - Summer of Love Festival
Forty years after the first Summer of Love, bring your love beads and dashiki to the Summer of Love Festival 2007. Musicians and DJ's will be performing at all hours, with work
from SL artists lining the walls of four galleries at Audio Sim (teleport SLURL). Groovy.
Thursday, August 2
12PM - William Gibson Live Reading
Sci-fi author William Gibson will read from his new novel Spook Country and answer questions from the floor. At Avalon sim (direct teleport).
1:30PM- Race on MyControl Speedway
Prize money of L$2,100 is waiting for fastest driver on a grueling, twisty course at the MyControl Speedway. There's a free practice session at 10am, followed by a qualifying session at 12:30pm. The six drivers with the best times
will compete in the Main Race at 1:30pm. No limitations on vehicles, all SL cars and bikes allowed. At Magrathea (247, 55).
1:30PM - SL Lovemaking for Beginners
Imogen Saltair
provides an introduction to the mechanics and etiquette of, ahem, lovemaking in SL, including: how to be a considerate
virtual lover and the proper use of sex poseballs, animated beds and other
equipment. At Fishermans Cove (28, 150).
7PM - Documentary Film About Mayan People
Second Life resident and filmmaker Usu Ventura has an incredible
passion for the Usumacinta river system which forms the border between
Guatemala and Mexico. Usu will be sharing
selected short films he has made of the Mayan people in this area at Millions of Us (teleport SLURL). Additionally, Usu has built a cool Mayan temple complex
named Xibalba which you can walk through and visit at Echoditto Island
(teleport SLURL).
* * *
Friday, August 3
10AM - Floral Arrangements Class
Andreia Bertolucci teaches a flower arranging class where you will learn how to build simple vases and work with clear textures to create a
three-dimensional flower.
You should have basic building and camera control skills. At Colorado Tech (33, 157).
11AM - LSL Skripting 101 Class (German LSL Scripting Class)
Was sind Skripte? Wie werden Skripte angewendet?
Unterricht erfolgt per Teamspeak (bitte vor Kursbeginn installieren).
Dies ist ein Kurs fuer einsteiger, gedacht als hilfreiche Orientierung fuer Leute ohne Programmiererfahrung.
Bitte stellt euren SL-Client einheitlich auf Englische
Benutzersprache, bevor ihr ankommt. Das macht es einfacher, die
Menuepunkte einheitlich zu halten. At Rockcliffe I (47, 100). (Translation: What are scripts? How are scripts used? This class is taught using TeamSpeak, so please install it. This class is meant for those without programming experience.)
12PM - Nylon Catwalk Show
A fabulous fashion show accompanied by the music of lounge jazz band Nylon. At Pangaea Island (105, 137).
4PM - Primeros Pasos en SL (Spanish Newbies Class)
Chilenos en SL se vuelve a organizar para un nuevo ciclo de charlas y
clases. Esta vez es "Primeros Pasos en SL", introductorio a temas mas
complejos. En Isla Chile (129, 128). (Translation: The Chileans of SL have returned to organize a new seriesof classes and lectures, this session called "First Steps in SL.")
* * *
Saturday, August 4
12-3PM - Boardman Town Tour
Sandor Balczo, docent at the Boardman Preservation Society, invites you
to an insightful tour of the only fully preserved
residential area in Second Life, created by Phil Linden in 2003 to
respond to residents' requests for a well-ordered, ad-free living
Meet at Zion (161, 182).
2PM - Atheene Dondopta Performs Early Medieval Music
Versatile musician Atheene Dodonpa performs haunting and beautiful music from the
Medieval and early renaissance periods. At Maemi (233, 7).
3PM - Indigo Mougin Exhibit on SL Dance
Come to the opening of Indigo Mougin's new art exhibition which captures an important
aspect of SL, dancing. At Socrates (62, 198).
* * *
Sunday, August 5
11AM - Class on Water Effects
Protomas Ludwig
teaches a class on working with water in SL. You'll learn how to build, texture and script streams, fountains, pools and other watery
builds. Basic building and scripting knowledge highly recommended. At Hamnida (237, 83).
12PM - Swearing-in Ceremony at Confederation of Democratic Simulators
Residents in the Neufrestadt and Colonia Nova, part of the "Confederation of Democratic Simulators," have voted in their new government. The Citizens' Social Democratic Faction (CSDF) gained the most votes, winning three out of seven seats in the nation's Representative Assembly. The swearing-in ceremony, "State of the CDS" address and inaugural meeting of the new Representative Assembly will take place in the Neufrestadt Marketplatz (teleport SLURL.)
3PM - Lucid Productions Art Opening
Grand Opening of Lucid Productions, a gallery of "humanistic, digital art reflecting expressionism." Icaruscending Heron will perform music from rock to ballads as you stroll the gallery floor.
At Enego (208, 254).
Join Rik's group on Eventful.com to stay up to date on what's happening in SL-- info on submitting event notices below. Visit Rik's blog, Click Heard Round the World.
New World Notes often highlights events for the upcoming week. If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event link to Rik Riel via IM or e-mail him at [email protected].
Main guidelines:
- Events for the coming week must be received by Monday Noon SLT.
- Events posted in SL's official listing board greatly preferred.
- Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
- Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are usually not appropriate to NWN Events. Instead, consider advertising your event on New World Notes.
- Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before" value.
Let me just add that while we would like to be able to include each and every session being held in Chicago we simply cannot due to the sheer number of sessions and speeches involved. This web page (http://www.inworldstudios.com/yksl/schedule.html) has the YearlyKos in Second Life specific schedule - it only includes those events which will be included in the YKSL convention.
Posted by: DireLobo | Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 02:08 PM