Cory Linden appears among the people
If you love NPR's weekly "Science Friday" program (and who doesn't), you'll want to be listening today at 3-4pm EST/Noon-1pm SLT, when indefatigable host Ira Flatow appears in SL to discuss "Virtual Worlds, Virtual Lives" with Cory Linden and several esteemed experts. You can even IM questions for the show to Ira via his avatar, Ira Flatley, who'll be in-world throughout the show. Possible question: what does it say that the avatar of Second Life's Chief Technology Officer is a tribute to a parody of "intelligent design", the notion that the world was created with deliberation and aforethought by a higher power?
Anyway, more details after the break, and at the official site.
Curious about how researchers may use Second Life to understand human behavior? Have a story about the in-world business that's made you real-world millions? Share them with us this Friday, August 31st, from 3-4 PM EST. All you have to do is send a message to Ira Flatley, the in-world avatar of SciFri's host Ira Flatow. Your message, question, or comment could be read on the air and answered by our panel of guests.
This is your chance to talk directly to Linden Lab's own Cory Ondrejka, or have a roundtable with scientists interested in using Second Life to understand the human condition. How would you feel if an epidemic came to a virtual neighborhood near you? We want to know! Join us on Science Friday from 3-4 PM EST for a look at virtual worlds, and what they tell us about the one we are living in."
Dmitri Williams, Annenberg School, University of Southern California
Cory Ondrejka, CTO Linden Lab
Sherry Turkle, Director, MIT Initiative on Technology and Self Program in Science, Technology,and Society
Eric Lofgren, University of North Carolina, Chapel-Hill
A Flying Spaghetti Monster avatar. I am so very jealous...
Posted by: SDC | Friday, August 31, 2007 at 06:10 PM
Noodly appendages rule!
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | Saturday, September 01, 2007 at 05:46 AM