How well did RL corporate sites engage SL's community? Tateru counts heads...
Site |
Est avg hourly visits |
Est avg hourly visits (peak hrs) |
Estimated total weekly visits |
The Pond | 68 | 33 | 11,568 (stable) |
IBM | 42 | 42 | 7,104 (up 2.07%) |
Greenies Home (Rezzables Inc.) | 25 | 36 | 4,296 (down 2.19%) |
The L Word | 24 | 23 | 4,128 (down 21.46%) |
Pontiac | 23 | 20 | 3,864 (stable) |
The Weather Channel | 16 | 17 | 2,808 (up 2.63%) |
Playboy | 14 | 25 | 2,496 (up 10.05%) |
Nissan | 14 | 12 | 2,424 (up 2.54%) |
Virtual Holland | 11 | 8.0 | 1,968 (down 7.34%) |
Sun Microsystems | 10 | 18 | 1,764 (up 24.58%) |
Greenies gains; Sun eclipses ABC; L Word's lipstick loses sheen
Greenies Home - the brobdignagian build from diminutive developers Rezzable - has gained the number three spot this week, despite a fall in visits of slightly over two percent. The previous third place holder, Showtime's popular media property The L Word dropped slightly more than 21 percent this week, though it is too early to predict a trend from the slight fall.
That lost ground could be regained in the coming week. Greenies Home itself remains relatively stable week after week, with only comparatively small variations in overall weekly visits. Greenies Home still caps the maximum number of avatars who may visit the site at once, but the site is almost always busy, around the clock.
Coming up - Sun Microsystems still on the rise, ABC Island gains from Melbourne Laneways, and Ratepoint Island vanishes, without a trace.
Sun Microsystems' site in Second Life continues to ramp up, with weekly visits increasing nearly 25 percent this week, pushing Australian Broadcasting's ABC Island into eleventh place with an estimated 1,632 visits, and despite a rise of approximately 11 percent. ABC Island itself, while it has had some minor fluctuations has been relatively stable for several weeks. The most recent rise is likely attributable to the launch of the Melbourne Laneways installation.
Community reputation system creator Ratepoint's island presence in Second Life - the site of many live music shows - has vanished entirely this week. We've not yet heard back from the representatives of Ratepoint as to the disappearance of their island home from the Second Life map. Outside of scheduled events the island was by no means heavily trafficked. Ratepoint's Second Life website still seems to be in operation.
Virtual Holland took a dive this week, dropping a little over 7 percent, but remains firmly in seventh place. If Sun's rise continues, however, the Dutch could well be pushed back into tenth place in the next week.
Visit my blog tomorrow for the complete list of ranked mixed-reality sites (native sites, you'll see later in the week).
Tateru Nino is a Second Life consultant and widely-read blogger who counts heads every week for New World Notes. Contact her for more info on her mixed reality reports.
Mixed reality sites in this headcount are selected for their prominence, either from publicity or real world name recognition. Sites with consistent low traffic (500 or less weekly) may be dropped in future Headcounts in favor of other sites. We do not count sites with camping chairs, or visitors in the orientation sims, as there seems to be little evidence to suggest that they will become visitors to the parent site - and if they do, we catch them when we headcount the site anyway.
We collect data four times per day for each site at 2am, 8am, 2pm and 8pm (times in SLT/US Pacific) plus/minus 1 hour. For each sample we count the number of people at the site at the time. We average those samples across the week, and then assume that average to hold constant, with each visitor spending a half hour on-site. This methodology does not necessarily include one-time events that generate high traffic missed by our sampling, which we'll make note of whenever possible. Headcounts do not factor in returning visitors, so assume that the total number of unique Residents are likely to be significantly less than the estimated total visits.
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