This Wednesday, metaverse writer colleague GreeterDan Godel (real life background here) is throwing a release party for his upcoming book, Entrepreneur's Guide to Second Life: Making Money in the Metaverse, at the ultra high tech CNET building in downtown San Francisco. Dan was among the first journalists to write about Second Life back in my Linden days, and he's been following it closely and with aplomb ever since; I bet he's just as amazed how far we've come since those pre-Beta 2003 days. (The blog for his book has some meaty avatar businessperson interviews and other great info, too.) Hopefully I'll be at the party, and if you're in the neighborhood, definitely try to stop by.
Full what/where/when info after the break.
Details (also available at this link):
What: Book release party for The Entrepreneur's Guide to Second Life, by Daniel Terdiman
When: Wednesday, Nov. 7, 6pm-9pm
Where: CNET, 235 2nd St., San Francisco. Between Howard and Folsom Streets.
RSVPs not required, but appreciated so as to know how much food/drink to provide.
Please email me if you have questions, or you can call: 415.531.5863. Otherwise, I look forward to welcoming one and all.
And feel free to pass this invite on to any who might be interested.
Posted by: FX初心者 | Monday, November 05, 2007 at 06:03 PM