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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


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Extropia DaSilva

What is James Bond's relation to Ian Flemming? The correct answer is 'Ian Flemming created James Bond'. An INCORRECT answer would be 'James bond IS Ian Flemming'. Flemming did play an important part in bringing this character to life, as did Sean Connery and everyone evolved in any creative process that embodied Bond. But, really, the individual person was irrelevant. What mattered was that information was presented in such a way as to map the 'person' of Bond onto our minds. The fact that Flemming has died says nothing about Bond's mortality. So long as the information that personifies him is deemed valuable, Bond lives on.

But, now consider how most people view the author/avatar relationship. The author does not merely create the avatar, the author IS the avatar. Philip Linden IS Philip Rosedale. Unfortunately, this makes an avatar every bit as mortal as their author.

But, why should that be? Why can't avatars be patterns of information, brought to life by appropriate scripting and performance?

We hear much talk about the 'Personalized web'. We upload our ideas, our thoughts; we capture memories with snapshots and audio files. R+D is underway to develop sensors that will automatically upload data about how we respond, emotionally, to daily situations. We are compiling comprehensive mindmaps, storing our ideas, our history, our personality, our emotive states.

What if, when the 'RL' Ginny died, an automatic online search was triggered. It looks for two things: One, a person willing to adopt an avatar. Two: A person whose 'mindmaps' are the closest match to Ginny's.

Once found, that person embodies Ginny. To her friends, she is the same person. After all, her personality, her memories, her skills, all continue as before (this might require top-class search engines presenting information about Ginny to her new 'RL' author).

Looking further into the future, perhaps one day software itself will process the information that embodies and personalizes our avatars. I quote- no, not a transhumanist like Kurzweil, but a professor of neurobiology, Joe T. Tsein, who is currently engaged in translating the brain's information processing into formats that can be read by computers:

'We and other computer engineers are beginning to apply what we have learned about the organization of the brain's memory system to the design of an entirely new generation of computers and network-centric systems...If all our memories, emotions, knowledge and imagination can be translated into zeros and ones, could it be that...we will be able to download our minds...and live forever on the network?'

I suggest that, if only we stop associating an avatar with one particular human, our avatars stand a good chance of making it to this future, regardless of how many generations away it is.


This was really lovely Iris and I'm so glad you wrote it. I got to know Ginny over the last 6 months and I'm grateful I did. He reached out to me from the blue, to encourage me in his playful way to "get my ass back to designing". Since that moment he never stopped encouraging me and offering help.

He was kind, he was funny, he was inspiring, and I'm glad that I got the chance to call him a friend. As Jewel said in the song "Hands", "in the end only kindness matters."

Thank you Ginny, thank you for your time, your words, your talent, and your heart. I will miss you my friend <3.

Simple Sally

Dazzle/Last Call always seemed like a strange place to me, surrounded by drama and gossip. The kind of place I prefer to avoid. But say what you want about Ginny, he was a whiz with lightwave. Starley Therian blogged about how he drew all those clothes with his finger on a laptop. That is really impressive. SL has lost a great content creator.

iota ultsch

Iris that was a beautiful tribute to an outstanding creator and person.

May Ginny's soul rest in peace.

With profound sympathy,

Iota Ultsch.

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