Amalthea Blanc surveys the SL arts scene for New World Notes
The Windlight-enabled Second Life viewer has opened the door to even more possibilities of artistic self-expression. One such example is the art installation by Lash Xevious at La Reve island-- direct SLURL teleport at this link. Here, you can immerse yourself in the mystical atmosphere of a dream filled with demure shapes, subtle lighting, and some charming glowing effects.
Watch the video above, and read on for some more insights into this adventure!
La Reve allows visitors to immerse themselves in a world of superstition. The colors, scenes, and choice of graphics further enhance the “otherworldly” experience. The details are designed to take us back to a pre-modern world, filled with stories of “creatures in the woods, people falling in love with mythical beasts and never returning”, explains Lash Xevious.
Like in a dream, there is no precise path in which to explore the content Anyone can fly around according to their will or use the beds and boats available to set themselves gently adrift. For those with curious minds, there are endless hidden treasures to find, with many more scheduled to arrive during future months. Expect more interaction, more sculptures, and additional layers of depth For now, the only directions you'll ever get while in La Reve are to enjoy and explore without prejudice. Xevious reminds us that we are traveling through her home, her dreams, her outlet, all still a “mere prelude to her soul”.
La Reve has rebuilt the dream world look and feel, especially if seen with the Windlight viewer. Its magic brings an amazing experience to everyone who spends time getting to know this land.
Note on the machinima: Footage by Candide LeMay & Amalthea Blanc, music by Second Life artist and musician Abbaca Aoi/Dreamaiden. Machinima-related questions happily answered by the creator in Comments here or via SL IM.
Amalthea Blanc also covers SL arts and culture for SL Art News and the Second Life Insider.