This week, Part Five of Rise of the Videogame, the Discovery Channel's acclaimed documentary mini-series, should feature Second Life, as described in interviews with myself and, ironically enough, the now ex-Cory Linden. Our footage was shot last year, so I'm curious to see how much has since been dated. Adding an extra layer of irony, this will probably be Cory's last media appearance speaking on behalf of the world he did so much to create.
Episode description here. It's being shown multiple times-- schedule here. Discovery's official site also has some fun and informative supplemental stuff worth a look. (Disclosure: I was also a show consultant for the SL portion of the series.)
From what the series' producers tell me, it's not just you and Cory whose interviews describe Second life in the "Level Five" episode airing Wednesday. Dave and Bev Lang, known in SL as Silver and Goldie Goodman, will appear in real life interviews, too. Owners of Machinima by Silver and Goldie, we provided the machinima footage of SL that illustrates the commentary. See you on TV!
Posted by: Goldie Goodman | Tuesday, December 18, 2007 at 05:59 AM
Ooh, I'll have to make sure I catch this one. I didn't realize that it was a miniseries. I was watching it on last thursday I think it was, with my roommate. Then, all of a sudden the camera was on you, and I said "Hey! I know him!" My roommate asked how, and I said "Well, he's someone from SL and he has a very popular blog." Then my roommate called me a dork, as she usually does. But we were watching a program on videogames (which she likes) so she's a dork too.
Umm, yeah, I guess you didn't need to know all that...
Posted by: October Hush | Tuesday, December 18, 2007 at 09:47 AM
Good to know, thanks! Just hope I come across OK.
Will look for you two and your footage, Goldie.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 05:42 PM