Dillon Beerbaum models his Big Daddy avatar in Crimson Shadows (Little Sister not included)
Lately I've been enjoying breaks from the metaverse in Bioshock, the year's masterpiece computer game. In it, you explore a fantastic libertarian society founded by an idealistic CEO who wanted an alternate nation where artists and entrepreneurs could create and invent free from the constraints of the outside world. Somewhere in its development, however, something went horribly wrong, and after an internal power struggle, the place, while still beautiful, is bursting at the seams and beset by antagonists. This backstory was created as a brilliant counter-narrative to Atlas Shrugged, of course. But occasionally-- like, say, most of last week-- the analogy cuts a bit closer to home.
This so call rapture that is described to happen before the world ends is quite interesting, many people believe it is going to happen when "GOD" reach for them, other believe that some aliens will come and are going to save us, many theories but at the end no one knows what is going to happen.
Posted by: buy viagra | Wednesday, August 04, 2010 at 07:24 AM
Ahaha, I google Second Life Bioshock looking to see if anyone made a Sim or something, and I find myself wearing my worst build ever. Good times :>
Posted by: Dillon R. | Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 11:19 AM