I found this luminous depiction of Second Life's virtual flora and fauna in the voluminous and thoroughly brilliant image and screenshot portfolio of Andromega Volare; click the image for the full effect. At first I assumed the artist had considerably altered and enhanced it with graphics software, but he suggests not so:
"This picture is a bit post-processed in Picasa 2," Andromega tells me, "to raise a bit the shining of the bright colors. Usually I use Picasa for depth-shots."
Details for submitting your own Tableau after the break.
Submitting to New World Tableau:
New World Tableau is an ongoing album featuring Residents who've turned SL screenshots into a new art form, vividly conveying emotions, stories, and entire cultures in a single image.
- If you come across a picture or image stream that deserves a place
here, please IM (Hamlet Au) or e-mail ([email protected]) me the link.
- Feel free to describe what the image says to you, or if you're the creator, what inspired you to make it.
- Whenever possible, name the
Residents pictured, and include a SLURL to the location (when appropriate.)
Moderately Photoshopped
images are OK, just mention if this is the case, and what effects were
added. (On rare occasions when the post-production adds a special
element, heavily Photoshopped images are also appropriate.)
If you submit an image to NWT, it's assumed I have permission to run
it, either as the owner, or because it's been appropriately CC
licensed. The original creator retains all their rights to it, in any
Thank you very much for this kindly article.
Most of my SL-pictures are at my Flickr-stream:
Posted by: Andromega Volare | Friday, January 25, 2008 at 08:28 AM