Rik Riel's weekly round-up of upcoming SL events...
Joining the ranks of Second Life Sweden, Morocco, Mexico and the Netherlands (among others), comes the latest virtual recreation of a nation-state: SL Israel. At 7PM PST today there will be an opening party to celebrate the new sim. The press release notes that SL Israel "aims to convey a variety of experiences about what Israel is all about, and to present the country in its complexity and diversity." Thus, you can visit both historic sites like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Western Wall, and the Dome of the Rock, as well as more modern locales like the Tel Aviv opera house, the Eilat underwater observatory, and the Bahai Gardens in Haifa.
No word on what sorts of events are planned for the future, but with the growing Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities in SL, I'm sure there will be significant interest in holding religious services and events there. Click here to teleport to the sim and check it out.
Also Coming Up This Week: mysterious silence in the sanctuary, controlling flow in LSL, an Italian building class, French electro-acoustic tunes, a Polish fundraiser for children's health, NASA's return to the moon, 100 top travel spots in SL, and lots more great stuff happening this week. Hit the jump for all the details...
(All listings in SLT, i.e. Pacific Standard Time)
Thursday, January 10
5PM - Book Reading of Silence in the Sanctuary
Deanna Raybourne, author of the historic mystery novel Silence In the Sanctuary will be reading from her book at Activ8 (Click here to teleport.)
6PM - Class on LSL Flow Control
Instructor Johanna Hyacinth
teaches a fast-paced class on LSL, the
Linden Scripting Language, intended primarily for those
with real-world programming or SL scripting experience. Students will learn the basics of flow control, specifically : conditional tests, conditional execution of statement block, looped execution of statement blocks, function call and return, and jumps and state switches. At Rockcliffe I
(Click here to teleport.)
6PM - DoubleDown Tandino "Quirk Tour"
Acclaimed electronica DJ Doubledown Tandino continues his "Quirk" tour at Oyster Bay in Shepherd (Click here to teleport.)
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Friday, January 11
5AM - "Where Am I?" Class
Haxby Daviau
teaches how to use the Map and the Mini-map effectively in SL. Learn how to see the relative positions of others near you, how to zoom in and out, and remove tracking. At Eson
(Click here to teleport.)
12PM - Corso Elementaire en Italiano / Basic Building Course in Italian
Iniziano i corsi di Building Elementare.
Imparerete a costruirvi la vostra spada o il vostro mantello. (Translation: come to a basic building class where you will create a sword and cape.) At Picnic (Click here to teleport.)
1PM - Opening of Support for Healing Library
Centering Place and Support for Healing LIbrary makes its
official debut, joining a host of other SL libraries.
At Cascadia (Click here to teleport.)
French eclectic musician JeanChristophe Chevalier mixes classical, celtic, blues, and electro-acoustic. See him perform live at The Note in Admicile (click here to teleport.)
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Saturday, January 12
12AM - "Burning Eyes" Exhibit Opens
Come check out Maded Shepherd "Burning Eyes"
collection, capturing the simple beauty of his favourite models, from a
different angle then he is used to. At Maplegrove (Click here to teleport.)
7AM - Talk on NASA's Return to the Moon
Dreyfus Dryke discusses how NASA will return to
the Moon this fall with its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. At Eye4You Alliance (click here to teleport.)
1-3PM - Sophrosyne's Salon on Community Development & Higher Education in SL
Fleep Tuque, co-chair of the 2007 SL Best Practices in
Education Conference and Stage Manager for the 2007 SL Relay for
Life, will be the featured guest for a discussion on creating
and sustaining vibrant communities in SL, and on how synthetic worlds
are transforming higher education. At Extropia Core (click here to teleport.)
Join author Sean Voss for the launch of the new book Second Life Travel Guide, a travelogue of 100 places to shop, play, hook up and explore in SL. At Landmark Island (Click here to teleport.)
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Sunday, January 13
9AM-5PM - Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Fundraiser
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
is the largest charity in Poland, raising millions of Euros in funds
for children's health. "The Great Finale" is the charity's annual
fundraiser event, which this year has been expanded to SL. This day
long event includes a fashion show, fireworks and concerts by Jaynine
Scarborough, Cylindrian Rutabaga, Lyndon Heart and Komuso Tokugawa.
All at Slang Life (click here to teleport.)
11AM - Be a Juror in a Courtroom Drama
I know most people try and avoid jury duty, but now you can volunteer for the job! Come participate in a courtroom dramatization as a mock juror. Then at the end, find out if your jury comes to the same verdict as the real life trial.
At Rockcliffe I (Click here to teleport.)
2PM - Open House for SL Animal Shelter
Heads up, animal lovers! The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and the Humane
Society present an Open House for their new animal shelter at Commonwealth Island (Click here to teleport.)
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Join Rik's group on Eventful.com to stay up to date on what's happening in SL-- info on submitting event notices below. Visit Rik's blog, Click Heard Round the World.
New World Notes often highlights events for the upcoming week. If you'd like an event to be considered, send the description and event link to Rik Riel via IM or e-mail him at [email protected].
Main guidelines:
- Events for the coming week must be received by Monday Noon SLT.
- Events posted in SL's official listing board greatly preferred.
- Events with artistic, cultural, scientific, political, creative, and/or educational value preferred.
- Events sponsored or promoted by real world corporations are usually not appropriate to NWN Events. Instead, consider advertising your event on New World Notes.
- Bonus consideration given to game-related or machinima events, and for events with "I've never seen that in SL before" value.