Over on CNN's Second Life blog site (which has been doing a pretty good job fostering Resident-driven reportage), Janey Bracken recently an intriguing profile of Dave Sparrow, a Resident with Asperger's Syndrome who's created an island resort intended as a communal space for people with autism. According to Ms. Bracken, "Naughty Auties Haven" currently self-funded project, so he's looking for help. Much has been written about the advantages SL brings to people with autism (as here), so I hope he succeeds. (Disclosure: NWN partner Millions of Us helped establish CNN's Second Life presence.)
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This month's Wired has a great article on Autism / Asperger and how the web and PCs are making them flourish. And SL is definitely a good place for people with some RL social interaction problems. I had 3 aspies employed on my sim and they did wonderfully. :)
Posted by: Renmiri Writer | Friday, February 29, 2008 at 06:30 PM