Dusan Writer is looking for bug builders, and he's paying L$50,000 to the winner: specifically, he wants "Insects, spiders, creepy crawlys, little flying things." The designs will be used to populate the upcoming Adventure Island, but in a very cool gesture, he adds, "Creators will keep full rights to their work, all I ask is the right to use them on my sim, and promise not to resell." Go here to get the details.
Over on Koinup, the MMO-based social network with a large population of SL Residents, there's an "Exotic Contest", which I'll help judge, with the winners featured in my New World Tableau series, with L$20,000 bestowed on the winners. Koinup already has a great repository of SL images, so I'm looking forward to the submissions. Go here to get those details.
Thanks for drawing attention to the competition! I've also posted an update and some thoughts on IP issues here:
Posted by: Dusan Writer | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 09:16 AM
The contest winners were announced and a new contest opened.
Posted by: Dusan Writer | Sunday, March 09, 2008 at 10:19 AM